#60 Frerard (fluff)

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Frank's pov

I rubbed my eyes as I woke up, yawning. I'd woken up rather early, checking my phone. I almost screamed as someone bursted through my door, jumping on my bed. "I'm up I'm up!!" I groaned as Ray passed me a Santa hat. I rolled my eyes as I put it on, gosh how much I despised Christmas. "Come on, we need to go wake up Mikey and Gerard too!" He exclaimed as I sighed, nodding. I went to go get ready before following him to Mikey's room. This time, I knocked before entering. I peeked my head inside to see him sleeping soundly as Ray ran in, jumping on him and shaking him awake. I couldn't help but chuckle, seeing Mikey jump up in fear. Ray passed him a Santa hat as he immediately gained energy and started getting ready in a flash. "Oh, I can't wait! We're gonna have so much fun today!! I was thinking that we could make some cookies, but I left out some of the ingredients and candies for decor, so I'll need to run to the store," "I'll come with. We ran out of chocolate milk, and I need my chocolate milk." "Alright, Frank do you mind waking up Gerard? And give him this," he asked as he passed me a Santa hat. I nodded as they soon made their way downstairs. I looked down at the Santa hat before making my way to Gerard's room, knocking. The door creaked as I peeked my head through, seeing that he was just lying emotionless in bed while listening to his iPod. "Gerard? Are you okay love?" I asked worriedly as I shut the door, walking towards him slowly.

He jumped after a moment, sitting up. "S-Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Uhm.. are you okay?" "uh.. y-yeah. Did you.. need something?" "Ray asked me to wake you up. It's Christmas morning, did you forget?" I asked as I cupped his face. His body was cold as he looked away with teary eyes, "Right.. sorry." I sighed as I shifted to sit on the edge of his bed, covering him with his blanket. "Thanks," he mumbled as he hugged himself with it, pulling him closer. "What's wrong darling? Aren't you usually very excited for Christmas?" "Nothing," he said coldly, pushing me away gently. I gulped as we sat there in awkward silence, hearing him sniffle and turn around as he laid back down before zoning out. "Just leave." He muttered, angry tears streaming down his face. I tried to take his hand, but he smacked me away. "Gerard.." "I SAID LEAVE!" He cried, raising his voice. I looked down as I spoke in a soft voice, "if that's what you want." I left the Santa hat on his bed as I turned around to leave. I slid down his door, curling up in a ball as I heard him lock it the second I exited. Gerard barely ever raised his voice, especially at me. I couldn't help but feel tears rushing to my eyes before I could even pull myself together to go back to my room and cry, crossing my arms as I looked down. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing anymore as I quickly wiped them away with my sleeves, but they just kept coming.


I didn't even notice the sound of Ray and Mikey entering the house as Mikey went to go set everything up while Ray came to find us. "Frank?! What happened?" He asked frantically as he ran to me, startling me. I shook my head as I tried my best to hold my tears back, feeling him wrap his arms around me. "Hey.. hey don't cry.. tell me what happened," "Nothing just.. give Gerard some space for now," I managed to mumble with a shaky voice, sniffling as I stood up. Ray stared at me with concern as he followed me to the bathroom, watching me wash my face as I let out a loud sigh. "Hey guys, are we ready? Where's Gerard?" Mikey asked, confused. "Right.. uh, just give him some space for now. He's just.. in a bad mood." "That's terrible.. on Christmas? Did you try talking to him?" "He just pushed me away.." I mumbled, trying not to cry.

Gerard's pov

I could hear everyone consoling Frank as I banged my head against my door repeatedly, regretting everything I did. I looked down at the Santa hat he'd left, throwing it across the room. I sniffled as I unlocked the door, seeing all of them hug Frank as he looked like he was about to cry again. I looked down as I slammed my door, clenching my fists in anger. I fucking hate myself. I could hear Ray and Mikey trying to hold Frank back as I assumed he was trying to reach me, listening to them fight as Frank pushed them off. "Gerard?! I'm coming in," he said, panicking as he swung the door open. My eyes met with his as I just broke down, crying. He knelt down as he pulled me closer, hugging me tightly as I sobbed. "I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean anything I said or did earlier, and I'm really sorry for shoving you. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." I repeated, bawling. He comforted me as he assured me that everything was fine, wiping my tears away. "Don't cry anymore okay? We'll bake cookies or whatever, open presents, and have a great day okay?" "O-Okay.. but don't you hate Christmas?" I asked, seeing him look away. "A lot, but it's whatever. I don't care what I have to do as long as it means you'll have a good time. I hate seeing you cry, and I love you okay?" He crooned as I nodded, wiping my tears away as he kissed my neck.

"How about we get you cleaned up?" He asked with a smile as he cupped my face, nodding. He kissed me before standing up and extending his hand out to me. I took his hand as he kissed me once more, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. "I'll love you no matter what, okay? As long as you're okay, I'm okay. I love you," "I love you so much Frankie.." I sniffled before connecting our lips, smiling. He helped me to get ready and put on my Santa hat as we made our way downstairs, chatting excitedly. I nestled with Franks shoulder as I hugged him, smiling when he kissed my cheek, "I love you so much my love," "Mm.. I love you sooooo much," I giggled as we connected our lips once more, kissing passionately.

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