#35 Petekey (fluff)

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Mikey's pov

I sat down in the dining room, confused. Pete left the room and came back with a plate of food, glaring at me. Did I do something wrong? He sat down beside me, putting the plate infront of me. "Eat." "Oh no, it's okay I'm not hungry-" Pete cut me off by scoffing loudly, rolling his eyes. I fidgeted as he moved his chair closer to me, our knees touching. He picked up the spoon and held it infront of my mouth. I gulped, looking at him and back at the food. "I swear Mikey if you don't eat right now I'm gonna chew it up and spit it in your mouth." He threatened. I took in a deep breath before forcing myself to eat it, and I could already feel the pit in my stomach begin to grow. I looked down and hugged my stomach, trying to chew the food and not throw up. Pete stood up as he lifted my chin up to look at him. He looked away and let out a small sigh before leaning down and kissing my cheek, carefully picking me up. He sat back down and placed me on his lap, letting me get comfortable. He wrapped his hands around my waist, hugging me as he rested his head on my shoulder. I still didn't understand what was happening. "What's going on Pete?" "..Gerard told me you haven't eaten anything today, and it's already 4:57pm. Plus, I know you've barely been eating lately. Nearly half the time I walk past the bathroom I can hear you throwing up. Please Mikey, eat." His voice trembled, hugging me tighter.

I could feel my heart drop, hearing him say that. "I'm sorry for being a little harsh, I just.. I'm worried about you. I can't and won't force you to eat, I just want you to eat something, anything," he mumbled, pulling me closer. I could hear him sniffle quietly, and it broke my heart. I wanted so badly to vomit already, but I couldn't stand hearing him cry. "..I'm sorry" I murmured. He looked up slightly as I forced myself to take another bite of food, chewing it. 2 bites in, and I felt like shit already. I turned to face him, wrapping my legs around him. I hugged him tightly, shoving my head into his shoulder. "I know it's hard baby, but please just try and eat something okay? Even if it's just a little, just anything please," he pleaded, stroking my back. He kissed my cheek again before nudging my lips slightly with a spoonful of food again. I let out a small sigh before closing my eyes and parting my lips. I covered my mouth with my hand as I gagged. Pete patted my head continuously as I used my free hand to wrap around him. "It's okay baby, it's okay. I'm proud of you alright? You don't have to if you can't," he assured me, kissing my neck. I sniffled softly, hugging him tightly. "I.. I'm sorry.." I sobbed quietly as he hugged me tighter.

We stayed silent for the next few minutes, neither of us daring to move. I felt him lift his head up and cup my face before pulling me closer and connecting our lips, kissing me gently. I held his hand as I pulled away, looking down. He frowned as tears streamed down my face, wiping them away with his free hand. I gulped as he turned around and picked up the spoon again. I desperately wanted to just pull his arm back and beg him not to make me eat, but I was too afraid. He scooped a spoonful of food as I looked down, unable to bring myself to speak or part my lips. He held it infront of me for a few more seconds before sighing, putting it down with disappointment written all over his face. My head spun as the thought of chewed up food inside me disgusted me, covering my mouth with my hand. "Please.. don't throw up.." Pete murmured, hugging me. I could tell from his tone that he was upset, even if he tried to push the feeling away and be grateful that I ate at all. I held him close to me as I put one hand on his back, my other hand wrapped around my stomach. I didn't even have the energy to speak anymore, already imaging the food go back up my gullet later. I half heartedly hugged him back, my head pounding. The sound of chewing replayed in my head as the sound of my heartbeat was all I could hear. I zoned out as I began dissociating from the world, not even noticing that Pete kissed my neck once more.

-at night-

I laid in bed, facing the wall while hugging my stomach. I refused to even look at Pete after he made me eat dinner, going to bed early. I could hear the door creek as he peeked inside,"Mikey.." I shifted to face his direction, but didn't look at him directly. He looked down, sighing to himself before crawling into bed with me. I turned to face the wall again, ignoring him. "Mikey I.. I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you, okay?" "Mhm." I mumbled, barely audible. He wrap his arms around me hesitantly, but I curled up in a ball, trying to take up as less space on the bed as possible. I could see his heart drop and the shock on his face in the corner of my eye as he retreated his arm. "..I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry," he said in a soft and shaky voice, and I knew he was on the verge of tears. He got out of bed and tucked me in, giving me a small kiss on the cheek before leaving with a heavy heart. I never once turned to look at him and just tried my best to refrain from crying until I heard the door shut. I ran into our bathroom and locked the door, hugging my stomach with one hand while my other was on the wall for support. I took in a deep breath before letting it all out, crying while vomiting. I couldn't even stop even if I wanted to, my vision slowly getting blurrier and blurrier.

I could hear Pete banging on the door and screaming for me to open the door frantically, but it faded away as my ears rang. I shut my eyes as I tried my best to keep them open, feeling like I had just vomited my organs out. I used every ounce of energy I had left to clean myself up before opening the door and collapsing in Pete's arms. He hugged me tightly while crying, squeezing me. "I-I'm so sorry Mikey.. I thought I was helping you by encouraging you to eat.. I'm so sorry.." he kept apologising again and again as I just shut my eyes, barely listening to a word. I could hear him asking me a question, but couldn't make out what he said. A moment of silence passed as he just sniffled and picked me up, placing me on our bed. He cuddled with me as I just crawled into his arms. We didn't say anything more as I just fell asleep, praying he finally understood.

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