Frank's pov
I looked around frantically as someone tapped on my shoulder. I breathed a sigh of relief as it was Bert with Gerard, "Thank you for calling me." "No problem, he's super drunk though." I carefully took Gerard from him as I held him close, hearing him mumble something. "Mm.. one more drink please.." "No Gerard, you're already very drunk," "hmph.." he grumbled as he pouted. I thanked Bert once more before bringing Gerard to our car and helping him get in. "My boyfriend wouldn't really.. appreciate you holding my hand and all you know?" "Oh yeah?" "mhm," he nodded as I shut the car door. "Who's your boyfriend?" I asked as I got in the car and started it, but turned to face him. He scratched his head as he giggled drunkly, "Hehe.. my boyfriend.. I love him." "Who?" "Frankiee.." he smiled as he finally looked at me in the eyes. His face lit up as he realized it was me, "Frankie!!" He hugged me tightly as he nestled with my neck, asking me how I got here. I patted his back as I turned my attention back to the road. He kept talking to himself as I drove us home, holding his hand while driving with the other. He ended up falling asleep at some point, but woke up just a turn before we reached home. "Are we home yet..?" "Soon," "BBut.." he whined as I made the turn.
I helped him out the car and began walking to our house as he hugged me tightly out of nowhere. "What's wrong?" I asked as he hugged me even tighter. "Frankiee.." "I'm right here sweetheart, what's wrong?" "I don't know.." he mumbled, looking around. I held him close as he covered his mouth with his hand, retching. I quickly unlocked my car and grabbed a plastic bag, opening it. "Vomit in the bag, okay?" He nodded as he took it from me with shaky hands, puking. I grabbed my tissue box as I held him, moving his hair out of his face. I helped him clean up as he sniffled, coughing. I threw the bag away as he fell to the ground, his palms covering his face. "You okay?" I asked worriedly as I extended my hand to him. He groaned as he took my hand and got up, stumbling unsteadily. I pulled him closer as I hugged him tightly, thinking about every single time I let him slip away and drink. "You know, I thought you promised me that you'd stop drinking." He didn't say anything. I sighed to myself as I helped him in the lift before walking to our house, holding his hand while glancing at him every once in awhile. "Damnit Gerard, you need to shower." "I don't wanna.." he groaned as he collapsed onto the sofa. I looked down as I went to get his clothes, holding back tears. I called him after a few minutes as he staggered into the room. "Is this okay?" I asked as he nodded, feeling the water in the bathtub. I let the water run as I helped him undress while he fumbled.
We stood in silence as we waited for the bathtub to fill with water, feeling him hug my arm. He looked down as he squeezed my hand, "Frank.. please don't leave me.." "Why do you think I'd ever do that?" "I dunno.." he sobbed, bursting into tears. "Gerard, sweetheart.." I whispered as I pulled him closer while cupping his face with my other hand. He began ranting about how he was sad and didn't want to feel that way anymore, crying. I listened as I comforted him, stroking his back and letting him cry over my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see the bathtub had finished filling, patting his head and pulling him gently. I turned the water off as I helped him inside, kissing his head. He splashed the water around before covering his face with his palms, moaning sadly. I gently took his wrists and placed them on the side as I cupped his face, seeing tears streaming down his face. I carefully place one leg inside the bathtub as I wiped his tears away, screaming when he pulled me into the water. "Fuck!" I shouted as my head nearly hit the bathtub. I groaned as I sat up, realizing my clothes were all wet. Gerard giggled as he splashed water towards me. I rubbed my eyes as I glared at him, "Gerard!" He stopped as he frowned, curling up in a ball. "..Gerard," I exasperated, not wanting him to start crying again. I sighed softly as I cupped his face, kissing him gently.
I helped wash him before helping him out and getting his clothes on. I put on a new set of clothes as I was already soaked, sharing Gerard's towel. He shivered as I pulled a chair for him to sit. He hugged me tightly as I used a hair dryer to dry his hair. I showered him with kisses as he kept glancing over at the window, gulping. "Frankie.. Frank there's something knocking on the window.." "There's nothing there.." "Nno.. I hear knocking.." he dug his head into my chest as I patted it, assuring him there was nothing. I turned the hair dryer off and set it aside as he stood up and hugged me tightly. Before I could say anything, he pushed my head down into his chest as he held me protectively. I giggled as he insisted on "protecting" me when he could barely stand upright, but didn't say anything. I found it cute, pinching his cheek playfully before kissing him. "Let's get you to bed okay?" "Okay.. but you sleep. I'll protect you," "Sure you will. Get some sleep alright?" I crooned as he spooned me, pulling me close. I ruffled with his hair as I showered his face with light kisses, giggling. "Mm.. I love you sooo much Frankie,the best boyfriend in the world!" He announced as I cupped his face. I pushed myself up to connect our lips, holding it for a good minute as he kissed me passionately.
We pulled away a minute later to catch our breaths before staring into each others eyes. He seemed to have paused as he admired my face, moving my hair to the side before kissing my forehead. "Go to sleep okay?" "Mm.. whatever you say pretty boy," he smiled as he shut his eyes. I blushed as I shoved my head into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body. I peacefully drifted off to sleep after hearing him snore softly, knowing he was safe.

Oneshots (Frerard, Pikey/Petekey)
FanfictionSmut and fluff one shots. This story will be marked complete but I will continue to add more as there isn't really a "last chapter/ ending" unless I decide to stop writing one day. Schedule is atleast 1 post per week.