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Another reason is one I noticed just now while watching Hold On To Sixteen.

I love glee because of the incredible bonds between the characters. They are all so different yet they have the most amazing connections to each other. The way they are with each other is inspirational and it makes the viewer’s fell it.

The friendships, the romances eve the love hate relationships are so truly real and beautiful that it makes Glee all the more feeling and realistic.

The bond between Kurt and Mercedes is a great example of friendship. The way they are is just so cute, even after he tells her he is gay and he crush on him is over. The way they talk to each other and the way their sectionals performances make them smile. It’s true friendship.

The way they all connect in friendship is amazing in I write this I’m watching We Are Young. The way they sing together, the way Quinn goes to get the others and when thy all leave and when Rachel takes Santana. The way they stand arms around each other as they sing together. It shows that even though the Gee Club is all a lot of them have, it’s all they need.

The love shown in Glee is one of my favourite things about it also. The love that is between the couples is adorable and makes anybody watching wish they had that. The way Finn and Rachel feel about each other (season 3). The way Mike and Tina look(ed) as though they are(/would be) together forever!(sorry I was reallllly sad about the Tina Cohen-Chang-Chang breakup!)

The way Sam refused to give Mercedes up and the way Brittany and Santana are so sweet together, and Brit seems to make Santana a better person.

And of course KLAINE! Now I will probably write a whole chapter on this later but Klaine. Klaine is the best Glee relationship ever! Klaine is the most caring and loving, committed, and truly magical unicorn thing ever.  I just love Klaine soooooo much; you’ll see the whole chapter on that later!

And finally the love hate spectacular that is Faberry! Quinn and Rachel have been through a lot together and I find the relationship between them is fascinating. I love the way they work, the way that although they fight and have argue and Quinn has tried to sabotage her, they still end u friends. They end up helping each other so much. Quinn is one of my less fave characters but when he Rachel and Santana sung Love Song. Those are the moments I appreciate Quinn.

Glee shows every type of relationship humans can have with each other, love, hate and best of all friendship. It also shows how to deal with Problems within those.

So that is another reason that,


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