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And up next, here on request, the man who lost 10 pounds in 1 performance and looks drop dead gorgeous 24/7….LADIES AND GENTLEMEN JESSE ST.JAMES

Jesse is one of those characters that we all should hat, he was a lying jerk who made breakfast on Rachel’s head and, although he awesomely looks like Mr Sue, is a cocky git.

However I don’t hate him, far from it, I love Jesse to pieces because in those rare moment he can be a really good guy, I personally think that he is the biggest reason Rachel got into NYADA (other than her amazing voce of course).

Also he is so freaking hawt! Seriously in Highway to Hell he was smokin’! Amazingly talented singing and dancing.

And on top of all that he is Hi-larious! He is so funny at the most random moments. Like when he’s talking to Finn at prom. “It’s none of Y.B. Your business.” And when he does his ‘show face’ and when he smiles at Mr Shue when Brittany asks if he is his son. And when wade was Unique for the 1st time and he was trying to get him/her off stage. And best of all when he’s talking to Rachel in Nationals about the vintage theme and losing 10 pounds and Unique being his idea.

Jesse was a lying, backstabbing moron for a lot of the time, but he’s hot, funny and talented so he is another reason



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