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  • Dedicated to Glee-the way it was

I really have no idea what to say, I mean for a long time all I have thought about all I have loved was Glee. And now this.

I don't know if I should keep writing these, people are loosing faith in the fandom, and in Glee. but what I am trying so hard to do, what I urge people who are losing/moving on from Glee to do is...remember.

Remember Season One:

Rachel crushing on Finn

Quinn being preggers

Kurt being in the closet

The glee club being 5 kids

The New Directions winning their 1st competition

Jessie an Rachel

Defying Gravity


Remember season two:

Rachel and Finn

New York

Holly Holliday and Dr Carl

Dalton and the warblers


Klaine for the first time

The original Songs


Rocky Horror


The Gap attack

The Rachel Berry house party train wreak extravaganza

The kiss on the nationals stage.


Remember Season three:

Finchel for a whole year


 MJ and Whitney

Harmony and Chandler

Teen Jesus

Vote Unicorn and Brittany for President

Glee club's TV special!



Shelby and Beth


Doge ball

Male strippers

Unique vs Jesse

West Side Story

6 flags


The proposals


The New Direction's fist ever Nationals win in Chicago!


Because now as season 5 is about to begin we all know Glee will never be the same again. because soon Blaine, Sam Brit, Artie and Tina will all leave McKinley High. And it will never be the same again.

Because they leave...and so does Finn and every time I think of Finn or Cory I cry and right now there are tears threatening to fall on to my keyboard as I write about the legacy that he and the others left behind.

With Artie and Tina's leaving the Glee club will have NO original members that remain at the school and we are left with the new characters that (call me crazy but) I can't stand. I like them as characters but they are not Who or What made Glee GREAT. That was Finn and Rachel and Kurt and Artie and Tina and Puck and Brit and Santana and Quinn and Matt and Mike and Mercedes. Half of those people are gone almost forever one from life it's self and it hurts me to think of it! 

But the truth is now that I wish with all my heart that Glee will end after season 5.

I really do.

I'm sorry but it can't be dragged out any longer. Have the characters we love graduate and move on with life, Have Klaine marry, Have Rachel reach her Broadway dreams. Kill Finn and give us closure but don't make it hurt anymore.

Don't bring in Demi Lovato to make the show popular.

Don't make the newbies he centre of attention.

Tina swayed in the background for 3 years but Marley takes one step into the choir room and is made a star on the spot.

It's not right and it's not okay either.

It needs to end on a high and I'm scared that they missed that. I would have been happy with glee finishing as Rachel walk off into NYC with her pink suitcase in tow. I would have wondered for the rest of my life but I would have been happy.

This isn't going to be Glee if season 6 goes ahead. I'm sure of it, more sure of it than you know or than I can express.

Each time I heard a glee spoiler or news I used to clap and scream and fangirl. It made me happy.

Now I sigh and scream in pain and fear. Now I cry.

Everyone, anyone reading this feel free to criticise, feel free to send me hate, but this is how I feel.

I don't think I can do this anymore.

I'm sorry to you all but I'm giving up.

Glee used to be my world, it was the one thing that made the hurt and sadness and pain and anger go away but it's not working anymore. the remembering isn't working and I can feel the despair taking over.

I can't keep writing knowing that the people and things that I'm speaking about are changing and fading away an soon they wont be, Glee won't be Glee anymore.

I'm so sorry.

This is the end, like I now wish Goodbye had been.

But before I go can you all do me one last favour? Please.

Like this chapter, Share this Chapter and most of all tweet about this chapter, to the Glee cast, to Fox to Ryan Murphy to anyone involved with Glee. I want at lease one of the people who made  my life so worth living, to know how very much they helped me. Glee has always helped me solve my problems and now I want the to know it.

I'm not gay

I'm not a great singer.

But I get bullied

I get hated

I have regular teen problems

And Glee helps me forget them or fix them. Because the words of these people that I love and admire and the songs they sing speak to me far more than any real person could.

I would like them to know that ad I would like them to know how I feel about it all now.

Glee is fading now and I think we all know it has been for a while. So I'm saying now what I think about it. Don't get me wrong I'll still watch and listen to Glee, I'll watch season 5 and if they do season 6 I will still watch because no matter what they do I will still love the idea of Glee, everything it stood for and everything it is/was. I love glee but this is my opinion.

I know some Gleeks do like Marley and Kitty and the others, and I know some are excited about Demi and I promise you I don't hate actors/actresses but I just don't love them like I loved the real Glee Club the original 1 2 and 3 Glee clubs. Feel free to hate me and tell me you disagree but I can't write anymore about something that makes me so sad when I remember that it's disappearing and changing into something that I don't like. Like if Optimus Prime suddenly turned into a helicopter instead of a truck and started killing people, you wouldn't like him anymore...bad example but I still mean everything I have written here. In every boo and each chapter. I just don't want to write more.

So please do it for me. Please. Tweet, message, blog?

Goodbye Finchel

Goodbye Cory

Goodbye original New Directions

Goodbye Glee

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