Chapter 17: Tickets

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*Ali's pov

I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hmmm hello?" I said sleepily. "Ali?" I sat up hearing the voice. "Hi Sam, what's up?" I asked. How did he get my number? I thought. "Well remember when you said you'd take me to one of Adam's concerts?" He asked. "Yea... What about it bud?" I asked Frankie coming up to put her head in my lap as I pet her. "Well he's been gone a while and I really miss him." He sounded so depressed, it broke my heart. "Um let me talk to your mom about it first. Put her on?" I asked.

After a somewhat lengthy conversation, mainly because it was interrupted my Sam crying and begging I was set to take Sam to a show. I hung up and searched for a show that was coming up and planned out the trip. Then I called in a favor and pleaded that it stay a secret.

Before I knew it I was picking Sam up a couple days later and we were headed for the airport. "Thank you Ali" he said softly as he clung to my arm in the busy airport. I smiled at him, "I told you, anything for you kid". We found seats in the first class lounge. I honestly could get used to this, I thought before hearing the familiar click of a camera and a following flash. Sam covered his eyes and turned into my shoulder hiding his face. "Alissa! Alissa! Over here! Show us the ring!" They shouted. I turned the ring around hiding it, not because I was ashamed but because that was personal to me. "Are you going to see him? Is that your son?" They were intolerable. I was thankful when I heard our plane was boarding. I leaned down, "listen to me Sam, no matter what happens I want you to hold on to me and stay close okay?" I said softly. He nodded and slipped his backpack back on his back as I grabbed his hand, "wanna race?" I asked figuring we'd have to run. He nodded and we ran to the gate hand in hand. I could hear their footsteps behind us but we didn't stop until we reached the gate and had to hand over our boarding passes. It seemed to take forever before they were okayed and we hurried to board.

I called Chris when we landed and he picked us up a the airport. "Thanks Chris, they don't suspect anything right?" I asked as I help Sam into the car. "Not as long as I show up with 6 Starbucks cups" he said with a chuckle. He parked at the hotel after getting the numerous coffees and went into to make sure they were still in their rooms. After about 10 minutes, he gave us the all clear and we checked in. We were given a key to Chris's room like we asked when making the reservation. We would end up in Adam's room by the time we needed the room, we just couldn't be there now. We settled in and Chris informed us that the guys were headed to an interview and then soundcheck before going to dinner. Chris slipped us a copy of Adam's room key and we moved our stuff there when they were gone.

While waiting to hear from Chris we went to the park and relaxed a bit. It was fun and Sam was so carefree, now that he knew that Adam would always make time for him and Liza. We left the park about 5:30 and went get dinner with the guys. Chris sent the car to get us and Sam though it was funny, kind of like we were celebrities. God I loved this kid. We arrive to dinner after them. They were all at the table when we enter, "got room for 2 more?" I asked standing in the doorway. Adam looked up at the sound of my voice. "What are you two doing here?" he asked twirling me around and kissing me lightly before picking up Sam. "Well Sam can be very convincing." I said. "And luckily I know people in high places, cause Maroon 5 tickets are nearly impossible to get" I said giggling. I turned and looked at the guys, "hey" I said walking over to give James a hug

Two Years Later*

*Adam's pov

"Ali! Wake up!" I shouted. She groaned her face in a pillow. "Come babe, wakie wakie" I said. I moved the pillow and laid next to her kissing her neck and running my hand down her back, "morning baby" I said with a smile. She turned to finally face me, "hmmm morning" she said, sleep still heavy in her voice. "Guess what today is" I said excitedly "Saturday?" She said sarcastically. "No... Okay well yes, but that's not what I meant." I hesitated, "happy birthday baby" I said with a long deep kiss. She smiled finally as our lips separated. "Thank you baby" she said happily. She sat up, "shower with me?" She asked and a wicked grin crossed my lips as we raced into the bathroom together. After an unproductive shower we took an actual shower where we actually got clean, although we both preferred the first.

We dressed for the day, Ali in a blue tight sun dress which fit her perfectly and a pair of heels that made her legs look like they went on forever, and me in my skinny jeans, white T-shirt and sneakers. I don't know how she put up with me, I rarely dressed up unless it was absolutely necessary. We jumped in the car and went to Starbucks for our usuals. "So what would you like to do today baby?" I asked looking at her my hand on her waist. She smiled, "well actually I have to run by the shop quickly and then anything you like" she said with a smile. We got our orders and headed to Wake Up Call. Abby greeted us as we walked through the doors and we saw Julia, Liza, Sam, Michael, my mom and the guys all waiting for Ali I assumed. "What the?" I asked. "Sorry babe, this is literally my only free day to get this done, I have to make sure everything fits." She said. I nodded and kissed her. She handed everyone a garment bag and sent the girls to one room and the guys to the other to change. Ali was working on fixing the girls dresses when we started coming out. "Wow! I like them babe" I said kissing her neck. "Good" she said with a laugh as she circled them noting small adjustments. Then she looked at all us guys lined up. She looked over Mickey, Michael, Sam and Matt, satisfied with the fit of everything and sent them to change. She made an adjustment to Jesse's vest and sent him on his way. She had kept her back to James and me while she did this all. She finally turned to us and tears formed in her eyes. "Oh Ali please don't do that," James said hugging her close. She shook her head, "I'm okay really" she said as she looked us over. I took her face in my hands kissing her softly, "I love you baby" I whispered against her lips. When she was satisfied with us she sent us to change happy she accomplished what she needed.

"Only 1 more month baby" I said with a smile on my face as I held her close. She smiled, "I can't wait to see what you planned" she said. I planned it all out, I wanted to surprise her, I picked out the flowers, food, cake, venue, she would only find out as soon as she got there. James would have to bring her there because I refused to tell her.

I whisked her away to the car and we got in happily and we drove off. "Wait I thought we were hanging with everyone?" She asked as we drove off. "We are, Michael is driving Sam, Liza, and mom home so we can let loose and relax." I said as we drove down the street. She looked around, "where are you going?" She asked looking at me. "It's a surprise" I said as I pulled into a driveway unfamiliar to her. "Babe?" She said, though it seemed like more of a question. "Come on" I said parking and getting out of the car opening her door. She got out hesitantly her hand in mine. "Welcome home" I whispered into her ear and she gasped. "Think of it as a wedding present" I said seeing her face. We walked in and looked around. It was a small 1 bedroom house, very basic, especially for a "rock star" to purchase. She walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed next to the present I left for her. "It's beautiful baby!" She said kissing me deeply. "I'm glad you like it baby" I said kissing her back. "And this is your birthday present" I said handing it to her. She gave me a look and opened it. "Baby!" She shouted seeing it. "No way!" "Yes way, think of it as an advancement for the business, plus it will be easier for you to work on the website with it so you don't have to listen to Chris." I said laughing. She pulled out the iPad and iPhone shaking her head. "The iPad is too much baby, but I will keep the iPhone cause my phone is dying." She said laughing. I convinced her to keep both and we left to meet up with everyone else.

*Ali's pov

"So will you tell me where we are going this time?" I asked as we got back into the car and pulled out of our driveway. "Well let's just say that we have all been dying to go and do this again so I figured why not today." Adam said looking at me before focusing back on the road. I stopped and though a moment, where have we all been dying to go? Then it hit me and I was so excited. I waited to be sure. When he pulled into the mini golf parking lot I was excited. We used to go all the time, then we'd get ice cream or something.

Multiple Holes Later*

"Cheater!" Mickey yelled at Adam yet again. God these guys are amazing I thought as we laughed yet again. "Mickey! Remember he's on our team!" I said laughing. "I don't care he's still cheating!" He said as they argued and we all laughed at them. This continued for the remaining 12 holes. After returning the clubs we all went to get ice cream. This was by far the best birthday I had spent with the guys. After ice cream we went to this secluded park that was closed down years ago. We used to go there and hang out. It was no place for us girls in dresses but it was perfect nonetheless. To end the night we relax with a sweet romantic dinner for all of us.

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