Chapter 2: Seven Long Years Later

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*Ali's pov

"Adam!" I laughed, "don't!" I shouted. He covered my mouth, "shhh! James is gonna kill me" he whispered. "Damn straight Levine!" James yelled through the door, "and next time tell me when you're gonna do that so I can leave! Now I can't get my sisters moans out of my brain! I am scarred for life!" He yelled. I giggled softly and kissed Adam's hand making him move it. I sat up in bed and kissed him. "Mmm best month of my life" he chuckled kissing me back. I laughed and wrapped the sheet around me and looked for my clothes which were scattered over the floor. "Really Ali, after that you're gonna hide?" He asked pulling the sheet away. "Yes!" I said grabbing it and sitting back on the bed. He crawled over me and kissed my neck. "I love how shy you are" he grinned. I bit my lip, my hands going to his body.

Seven years later*

"Okay so LA, it's nothing special, really" I laugh sipping my iced coffee. The kids in my group stared in amazement. "Nothing special?! This is awesome" one of them yelled as we went to sit at a table and get to know each other. I was in my senior year in college and was told that the out of state students were required to have a tour guide in a sense, pretty much I had to be their friends, answer questions and show them around, and be there if they need it. That was all thanks to my suggestion last year, I didn't think it would happen but I'm glad it did. The students from out of state get to come a month early and get settled and feel comfortable before classes start, and because I'm an RA I had to take on the welcoming committee job, lucky me.

"Ali?" I heard my name being yelled from around the grounds. I looked around, nothing. I shrugged it off and paid attention to the students in my group. We were laughing when they suddenly stopped, the girls mouths dropped and they were looking over my head. I could feel someone looking at me. "Hey Ali" the voice said and I nearly spit out my coffee. I swallowed hard and turned around. "Adam?" I said looking up at him. "You look good babe". My eyes narrowed, "babe? You lost every right to call me that 7 years ago. Hell you lost the right to call me your friend." I said standing up facing him. "Come on I thought you were over this" he said that signature smile playing on his lips. "Over it! Are you kidding me? Damn it Adam, you're an ass!" I said getting aggravated. The girls in my group covered their mouths shocked. "Come on Ali, I miss you" he said taking my hand. I pulled it away, "yea well you should've thought of that before taking me then leaving me for that slut!" I said slightly louder than my normal calm voice. "How is she by the way?" I said with a smirk, "oh right she left you!" He bit his lip. I almost apologized seeing that but held my ground, I had every right to be mad. "Ali, please I just want to talk, I miss my best friend, please." I looked at him as he pouted, "god you never grow up, your still stuck in high school. You think I can forgive you!" I groaned turning my back to sit again, "I've changed Ali, let me show you, please? One night" he all but begged. This was funny to watch in public, but I wasn't a bitch so I agreed. "Fine, my dorm" I said turning my back and finally sitting back down, "where is it?" He asked and pulled out his phone as it went off. "Thanks Ali" he said as he saw the address in the text and kissed my cheek. "Just go Levine. I'm busy". He smirked, I could tell by the way the girls swooned as he left. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the group. "You know Adam Levine!" The girls yelled getting as close as they could. The boys rolled their eyes, "well yea" I said nonchalantly. Their jaws dropped and I laughed. "What? We've know each other our whole lives" I said not thinking anything about it until one of the girls played "harder to breathe" on her phone. "Oh" I said remembering his new band with my brother, that was one of the reasons I never told them my last name. I did not need to be hounded. Wait if Adam was here then that means James was back from isolation too! I suddenly got excited. "Hey sorry guys I gotta go can we pick this up tomorrow?" I said standing. "What going to see Adam?" One girl asked in a lovey voice. "No" I laughed, "I just remembered my brother is finally home and I haven't seen him in a while. Will you guys be mad? We can get together later too if you want, we can chill in my dorm and hang out" I offered still trying to figure out what to show them, luckily I had a month to cover everything I thought. "Sure" they said. "I'll text you!" I yelled as I ran toward my dorm my phone to my ear.

"Ugh come on, pick up" I said as I ran into the elevator. I hung up and went to try again as I got off on my floor and saw him. "James!" I yelled running to hug him. He turned and caught me. "Hey sis" he smiled hugging me. "I missed you" he said his hair in my face, "ugh you need a hair cut bro" I said smiling. "Come on get in here" I said opening my door, "before there is a mob". We went in and I tossed my stuff on the floor and he fell on my bed. "So I guess this band thing wasn't so silly after all huh?" I said teasing him. "Alright alright, it's not that bad. It's fun, I was surprised when Adam asked, I thought he'd be scared I'd kill him after what he did to you." He explained. "I'm surprised you didn't. Why didn't you?" I asked. James was always so protective of me. After Adam broke up with me I cried on his shoulder for a week. "You seemed to be holding your own in school and you told him off pretty well after she broke up with him so I figured I had to let you grow up and let you handle it alone." He said sitting up and pulling me close. "You okay? I heard you ran into him." I sighed and laid back on my bed. "Yea, he just makes me so mad" I said. "It's like he can't grow up, he's stuck in high school with the little girl I was before we even tried dating, the girl that hung in his every word and helped him with his problems and went to with my own problems. He doesn't get that he seriously hurt me" I said looking up at James. He nodded his head understanding. I sighed, "be right back" I said getting up to go to the bathroom. I could feel his concern for me in the air, it was sweet and I missed living with him.

*James' pov

I watch my sister slouch as she headed for the door. I wish I could do something but I had to stay out of it, I worked with Adam now, I can't make this personal. Besides Adam is trying to change. After getting his anger out about Jane when she refused him again when he drove across the country to see her, he started talking about Ali, how much he missed her and what a jerk he was to her. He promised he wouldn't do anything until he completely changed, and got out of his high school state of mind for good. He was trying and I had to give him credit for that.

There was a knock on Ali's door. She must've forgot her key. I looked through the peep hole to be sure and saw Adam. I opened the door, "Adam?" I said "I don't think this is a good time she's still pretty mad at you." I explained as he walked in anyway. I shut the door, "I know but she deserves the chance to get her feelings out. I never gave her that chance in high school and I want her to get it all out before I show her I've changed, it might help" he said talking quickly and stepping away from me probably scared I'd hit him, and he wasn't far off. I nodded as Ali came back in. "Adam" she said glaring at him. I could see this was going to lead to a fight. "Ali I'm gonna give you guys some time, call me after we can order in at the house" I said kissing her cheek. I glared at Adam, "don't make me regret this man" I said and walked out running to my car to get out of there before I was spotted.

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