Chapter 20: Here Comes Baby

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*Ali's pov

*One year later

"I'll get her" I said in a sleepy daze as I got up and walked over to the bassinet. As I opened my eyes and focused on where I was going I saw Adam sitting on the edge of the bed singing softly. "Beauty queen of only four months.. She had some trouble with herself.." I smiled watching them and sat next to him at the foot of the bed. "I thought I got her before you woke up, sorry babe" he whispered. "It's okay I don't mind" I whispered back. "I can't believe Hope is four months old already." I said. He kissed her as he rocked her slowly as she drifted back to sleep. "Well she should only be 2 months, babe, but she couldn't wait to be born." He joked and put her back in the bassinet. He kissed me then and smiled. "I love you Adam" I whispered. We crawled back into bed and relaxed drifting off to sleep quickly.

I woke up early the next morning and picked up Hope and took her into the kitchen to feed her and start a pot of coffee. As I sat to feed her I realized how crazy the past year has been. Adam had been on tour for most of it and then he was whisked away to make the next album leaving me until I called saying I was in labor. Needless to say they had to finish working back here in the U.S. but Hope and I got to join them in the studio everyday. Adam loved it she was his new inspiration, although he insisted I still inspired him. James couldn't get enough of Hope either and I could tell he was going to settle down soon. I sighed and looked at Hope. I checked how much she drank and then burped her before continuing. Life seemed almost boring now, life really started to calm down, okay I'm lying but it seems that way. I finally finished feeding Hope and was rocking her while I poured a cup of coffee. I put it down and pulled out some clothes for her to wear and changed her diaper and clothes and turned on the tv and relaxed while I had the chance. 

"Hey babe" Adam said coming out of the room. "Hey sleeping beauty" he said kissing her forehead. She smiled up at us. "So what's the plan for today?" I asked as he disappeared to get a cup of coffee and reappeared next to me on the couch. "Well the guys are gonna come over and help us move to the new house and when we're done we'll call you and you can get settled over there while we record in the basement." He said. "Sounds like a plan" I said with a smile.

"I'll get it" I said as I got up to get the door. "Thanks babe, just trying to finish up in here" Adam called from the bedroom. I switched Hope to my right arm and opened the door. "Hi uncle James! Hi auntie Lucy!" I said giggling some. "Hey" James said kissing my cheek. "Now gimme that girl!" He said taking her from me. I smiled and hugged Lucy. "How's it going Hun?" She asked walking in. "It's going. She's finally getting over that little cold she had thankfully" I said as we went over to sit on the couch with James. "Hey baby girl" he cooed kissing her cheek.

The guys finally finished getting all the boxes to the new house. I have still yet to see it, Adam wanted to surprise us and I was okay with that, it meant I didn't have to move boxes. Adam walk through the door after being dropped off by James who picked up Lucy and we drove over in my car. I laughed as Adam snapped Hope's seat into the base and got behind the wheel. "I hate your car Ali, can't you get a better one?" He begged. I looked at him, "no I like my Camry so leave it alone!" I said laughing. He sighed and took my hand in his kissing it softly. "God I love you baby!" He said smiling brightly. "I love you too baby" I said. He pulled into the long driveway and my jaw dropped. From the driveway you could see a decently sized yard, hell it was huge, there was a pool and a tennis court on top of it too. The driveway was crazy big and the house, it looked incredible from the outside. He parked and carried Hope in and I followed. He opened the door and set Hope down and pulled her out of the car seat. "Come on baby, let's get you out of there, ugh we don't like being confined huh?" He said in the sweetest little baby voice. "Come on time to show you and momma around" he said holding her close. "God I've missed you all day baby" he said kissing her lightly. "Hmm I missed momma too" he said kissing me urgently and with purpose. I've missed that kind of kiss. He showed me around the kitchen. It was huge and spotless, very modern. From there we looked into the back yard, which was bigger than I thought. We looked around the dining room which was beautiful and elegant. The living room was huge, it had 2 couches and 4 chairs all perfectly placed and a huge flat screen mounted on the wall. Also there were tons of pictures all over the walls. Mostly from our wedding, of Hope and other family pictures. Then he led me upstairs. Hope's room was also big and was truly a princess room. It was a soft pink and had princess decals all over the walls with her name, Hope Violet Levine, painted beautifully on the wall above her crib. On the other side were shelves with pictures of the three of us and a glider, the one I have been dying for so I could rock her to sleep. Hope was finally asleep so Adam laid her in the crib and handed me the video monitor. I smiled and kissed him, "come on, I need to show you our room" he whispered kissing my neck. He quickly showed me around, there were 5 more bedrooms not including ours. "7 bedrooms babe?" I asked. "Yep plus a full bath in this floor, on the first floor and a half bath in the basement." He explained and opened the door to yet another room. "And your office" he whispered his hands around my waist. I smiled and saw my sketches covering the walls and my desk. There was also a large easel and a big recliner. "You know me so well baby" I smirked kissing him. "Come on we only have until 6" he said pulling me down the hall passed Hope's room and into our bedroom. I was about to question him when I saw the huge bed and two huge closets. The chandelier was beautiful and intricate. Then he led me into the master bath, "is that a..." "Yep" he smirk when I saw the size of the tub. I grinned and noted the stand up shower and his and hers sinks. Adam impatiently kissed my neck pulling me into the bedroom. "Why only until 6?" I asked. "Because we need to finish up this album and that was the longest I could make them wait. I literally begged for that, I just need to spend time with my wife." He said pulling me on top of him as he laid on the bed. I smirked and kissed him. "I've missed you too baby, when did life get so busy?" I groaned. He shook his head, "I don't know baby but I'd say its worth it." He said his hands running up and down my back. I smirked at the gesture and pulled him close kissing him. "It's definitely worth it" I said with a smile. He rolled over me so he was on top looking down at me. He kissed me deeply and pushed my shirt up slowly and pulling it over my head. I did the same with his and we tossed them on the floor. His lips crashed to mine as I struggled to unbutton his jeans. I finally unbuttoned then and pushed them down as he pulled off mine. He broke the kiss to pull off our jeans and I pulled him back urgently, it felt like forever since we were able to get this close, this way. He kissed down my neck biting lightly at my collar causing me to arch my back, exactly what he needed to unhook my bra which he took advantage of. The last of our clothing made it into the pile as he pressed his body against me. I moaned with pleasure, and he grabbed my hips. I moaned his name loudly as he finally entered. It had been a while and I could tell neither of us would last long and I was right. We finished explosively together. Adam collapsed next to me breathing heavily like I was.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke to the sound of Hope crying in her crib. I stretched and went to go get her. She stopped crying and smiled up at me as I changed her diaper. When she was clean I brought her downstairs and gave her a bottle. I loved spending time with her, I dreaded having to leave her to do work during the day, even though she would sleep while I worked. I kissed her head and burped her. As she finished I noticed that Adam hadn't been in bed when I woke up. I looked at the clock, 11:00. Hmm I thought to myself as I finished feeding Hope burping her again. I started to explore the house again and noticed a door with a light above it. I opened it and went down the stairs finding a full studio greeting me. I walked in and smiled at the guys who were frantically working to finish the album. "Hey guys" I smiled and they all looked up at me. Adam stood up and kissed me and Hope.

"Ali how are you feeling?" James ask as we sat on the couch the day after they finished the album. "I'm okay, work is exhausting though" I sighed. He cradled Hope close, he was so cute with her. "Well since Adam is dealing with the voice I'll be willing to hang here and help you out." He offered. I smiled, "thanks James" I said. Lucy and Adam both walked through the door. "Look who I found!" Lucy said laughing as they entered. We laughed and Adam jumped over the couch to kiss me. "Hey baby!" He smirked pulling me close. I kissed him back, "hey baby" I said. Hope giggled and Adam took her. "And how's my baby?" He cooed.  

Lucy and I went to make dinner and chat while they guys talked and fed Lucy. We finally sat down to dinner and were relaxing with some wine when James stood up. "I have an announcement" he said. We all looked at him curiously. "Lucy, babe, we've been through so much. I can't imagine spending a day without you." He got down on one knee and Lucy started to tear up,"Lucy will you marry me?" He finished. She nodded and kissed him.

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