Chapter 3: Miss You Love You

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*Adam's pov

I looked at her. "I know this is unexpected but I was thinking about earlier. You were really mad and I realized I never gave you the chance to really get it all out in high school. I owe that much to you at the very least. I mean I did an unspeakable thing and then tried to hide it from you and then ignored you. You should at least have the chance to yell at me." I said realizing I was talking faster than planned for fear she would cut me off and force me out. I wouldn't blame her if she did. She crossed her arms, I could tell she was furious, she only did that when she was scared she'd punch someone out. I gulped. "Ali?"

She closed her eyes. "God damnit Adam. You finally realized you owe me the chance to yell!" She was raising her voice but she was still calm and it scared the shit out of me. "Shit Adam! You took my virginity and then left me! You didn't even say it to my face! I went to school 3 days later and I have to find out from Jane! Jane has to tell me that not only has my boyfriend and my best friend left me but he cheated on me!" She was shaking with anger and all I could think of doing was holding her but I knew she would hit me if I tried right now. "You didn't even have the decency to tell me! Do you realize how stupid I felt?! Not only that but after she broke up with you after you graduated, you tried to be my best friend again like nothing happened! You ignored me, you didn't answer any of my calls, texts, emails nothing. You even had your mother lie for you!" She was screaming and tears were starting to form at this point and it broke my heart, I never could handle her tears. "God and you wonder why I'm so angry! I lost my best friend in the whole world and the one guy I truly cared about all in the same moment!"

She was crying hard now. I went to her pulling her in a hug. She hit my chest but she was weak from yelling and crying so it didn't hurt. We stood like that for a while, Ali crying into my chest and me holding her. It felt like old times and I realized then how much I really missed her.

"I'm sorry Ali, I know it means nothing now but I am. Jane was a mistake. She came to rehearsal that Friday night and made me feel good. She praised me and I don't know I was stupid in high school. The prettiest girl in the 11th grade was talking to me a dork, she was really paying attention and I don't know I got carried away, we went back to her house and got me drunk, I mean like wasted, and next thing I know I'm begging her for sex."

I stopped when she winced. "It meant nothing and I was going to tell you. But by the time I got to school Monday she had already told you a twisted version. I regretted not calling you Saturday but I didn't want to ruin your vacation. It's no excuse and I'm sorry. I should have told you but I couldn't I was ashamed, Jane asked me out afterward and I agreed, I don't know why but after those two years I thought I was in love, when she left me and rejected me again when I went to find her I was pissed and wrote. When I finished I thought about you and how much you meant to me but the demo was coming out and I was scared James was going to kill me if I tried. But I'm tired of being scared Ali, I want a chance with you, again." I said still holding her, her crying finally slowing at the end of my speech. "I'll do anything to prove it." I said.

She looked at me and pulled away, "good because you'll need to" she said as she walked to the door opening it. "Now go" she said staring at me. I nodded and walked toward the door, "for the record, you were right, you were always right." I said and left heading for the elevator.

*Ali's pov

God I hated him. He drove me crazy and he thought letting me yell would help! He was so stupid. I wish James would've punched him out for me. I sighed and went to my desk to plan out the next couple of days with my group. We could hit my favorite beach and the boardwalk and we could check out the park, they were adding art pieces throughout the park so it could be interesting. I scribbled out my notes and sighed. That did make me feel better. Damnit Adam, I hate it when he's right. I grabbed my bag and keys and headed for home. I hadn't been there in two months because of the summer classes I took and then having to be here for the cross country welcoming committee and then orientation, and it sucked. I liked being home. I jumped in the car and drove over going down the familiar roads I used to play on as a kid with Adam and the guys. I smiled as I pulled up behind James' car and parked. I went inside and found him lounging in the couch. He looked up at me when I walked through the door, "hey, did you kill him? Should I tell the guys we need a new lead singer and front man?" He laughed some and I dropped onto the couch next to him. "No, I didn't kill him. But I did yell and hit him. And I cried, a lot." I said ashamed that I would cry for a guy again, especially the same guy. "Then he started talking and I listened. I think he was telling the truth too because I've never seen him look so scared and vulnerable before." I said looking at my brother. "Did you forgive him?" James asked. "Yea, kinda I mean I told him he had to prove himself but I pretty much forgave him." I said. I stopped and looked around. "Where's mom and dad?" I asked. "Don't know they weren't here when I got here." He said. As if on cue James' phone rang. He put it on speaker, "hey mom" he said. "James oh god" she started, "please don't tell Ali I don't think she can handle it, get to hospital please" she said I could hear the pain in her voice. "Mom?" I said. "Oh damnit James, why didn't you say I was on speaker and you were with her. Never mind get here, both of you" she said hanging up. I looked at my brother scared.

When arrived at the hospital within 15 minutes and shockingly didn't get a ticket. He parked and we raced into the hospital. Mom was in the waiting room crying. Something bad must've just happened because she was okay on the phone. "Mom?" I said hugging her. She hugged us both before responding. "We were in an accident dad's hurt pretty bad. There's nothing they can do now" she said and we could hear the sobs in her voice. She showed us his room and gave us each the time to say goodbye. When James came out he was shaken up, he kept his head down and went straight for the waiting room. I assumed to call the guys, it was only fair they knew. I went in slowly. "Hey daddy" I whispered standing by his side. "Hey baby girl." He said and I could tell he wanted to smile but couldn't. He was too weak. I watched him for a moment when he started talking. "James told me about Adam." I rolled my eyes, "I don't wanna talk about it dad, it's not the time or place" I said. He took my hand weakly and said, "he's a good boy. He got mixed up for a while but give him a chance, you have been through everything together." I nodded. "Is that like you giving me your blessing or something" I tried to joke but it hurt to much. "Yea baby, if he asks know you have my blessing to marry him." He was serious. I tear slipped from my eye. "Don't cry baby. I love you but I gotta go, god has other plans for me" he said I kissed his cheek. "Oh and keep your brother in line, he'll have to walk you down the aisle for me." A sob caught in my throat and I nodded again unable to speak. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too daddy" I said and kissed his forehead. He closed his eyes and I squeezed his hand letting him know I was leaving. I left and leaned against the wall seeing mom go in to say goodbye. I slid down it and cried on the floor. After about 5 minutes a nurse ran out of the room screaming for help, a women was down. My heart stopped. I stood and went to go when a set of arms wrapped around me pulled me back. I pushed against them but they held tight. "You can't Ali, they won't let you." James' soothing scarily calm voice cooed in my ear. I was shaking bad and I could feel a tear fall on to my shoulder and I knew he was crying too. After 20 minutes the doctors came out shaking their head "we're so sorry kids, there was nothing we could do." They said and if James wasn't holding me up, I know I would have hit the floor.

Yesterday sucked. I've been in my room since we got home and I've been a mess. I don't know how James is handling it so well. He cries with me but he's staying strong and handling everything without me. There was a knock on my door. I didn't answer it, I didn't care who it was. Adam walked through my door shutting it behind him. "Hey Ali" he whispered. My back was turned to him but I could tell he was worried about me. I felt the side of the bed push down and knew he was there. He put his hand on my shoulder, "you okay?" He asked. I shook my head and turned to look at him. "I'm so sorry" he whispered. With those three words I broke down. Adam laid with me his arm around me protecting me while James was out. "What can I do?" He asked eventually. "You're doing it" I finally said and sat up. I hugged him and suddenly I could tell he knew I forgave him completely. It felt like old times again and I was glad to have my best friend back, especially now.

"Come on, I wanna cheer you up" he said moving to the edge of the bed. "I don't want to" I said softly. "Yea well guess what, a best friend won't let you mope, come on." He said. When I refused he picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Adam!" I said trying to hold back a sudden laugh. He carried me out of my room and I winced in the bright light. I had been sitting in the pitch black since I got home. He put me in his car and got in. As he drove he called James letting him know I was in good hands and hung up. "Where are we going?" I whined. "Just wait" he said. Soon he pulled into the beach parking lot and pulled me out leading me to our favorite spot. There, just outside the cave we found in a far off area on the beach years ago, was a blanket with a picnic basket. He sat down and opened it pulling out my favorite treats. Chocolate, strawberries, watermelon, and whipped cream. I smiled and sat next to him. "These are still your favorites right?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. We shared everything in the basket and finally laid on the blanket. "Thank you" I whispered my head on his chest. "Anything for you Ali" he said putting his arm around me. "I've missed you so much Adam" I said looking up at him. "I've missed you too" he said. With that we relaxed in silence, just me and my best friend.

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