Chapter 7: Woman

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*Ali's pov

"No way that's why it's called Maroon 5?!" I almost screamed. "That is so stupid and strange!" I said laughing. Adam covered my mouth, "shhh I'm not supposed to tell" he said a smile on his lips. "Then why did you?" I teased. "Because you don't play fair Ali. Maybe some songs could be about you on songs about Jane." He teased back. "Ouch Adam that hurt" I giggled. We went back to our game of Xbox. It was some stupid racing game but I was kicking butt. "Hah! I win again!" I jumped around happily. "Cheater!" He yelled pulling me back into my seat, "rematch" he demanded. "No way you're a sore loser" I said getting back up. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back, "Adam!" I yelled. Mickey walked in and saw me laying across Adam's lap being tickled. I can only imagine how that looked to Mickey. "Uh sorry guys, but uh Ali, Chris wants to see the new t-shirt design." I sat up quickly, "uh yea sure." I said getting up, as I passed Mickey I said, "please don't tell James he's a little testy lately this will make him mad." He nodded not wanting to deal with James either.

"So I figured most girls are obsessed with certain songs, mostly this love or she will be loved, and have made shirts with a line or something related specifically to those songs on their shirts so I made these." I said pulling out the designs. One had a plane labeled this love with Maroon 5 on the back side and the other simply said, "look for the girl with a broken smile... She Will Be Loved" he looked them over and liked them. The guys came over and looked at them as well. Adam picked up the this love one and stopped. "This isn't the one you originally had" he said. "The other one was better, I like it but if I was a girl I'd go for the other one" he said. James glared at him and I pulled out the other sketch. It was the same plane but the exhaust from the plane were a few more lines from the song, "... Has taken its toll on me; my pressure on your hips; kept playing love like it was just a game; and always in my heart" I looked at them and showed the guys, minus Adam since he had already seen it. Chris jumped seeing it, "that's perfect!" He shouted. The guys agreed. When Chris dismissed me I looked at James, "in the back now!" I yelled "we need to talk!" I was angry and he could tell. I went outside to get Adam, "we need to talk, come on" I said dragging him in the back and sitting him next to James.

"Listen, James I know what dad made you promise but I need to live my life. I know it makes you nervous that I'm trusting Adam again so easily but how can I not? We spent every single day together since we were born practically! He is my best friend! If it turns into something more then so be it but right now we're friends. James you guys work together and now I'm thrown in here designing stuff for you guys so this awkward, tense shit has to stop. Adam has more than proven he's grown up, yes he does some childish things but guess what so do you!" I stopped realizing I was rambling. "I just want this to go back to normal, back to when we first dated when you liked him and didn't plan his death" I said looking at James. He nodded, "I know Ali and I'm sorry I promised dad I would watch out for you but I realized by listening to dad I was ignoring the promise I made to Adam." He looked at him, "sorry man, I need to back off." I looked at them a moment and decided to ignore it if it was really important they would tell me. "But if you hurt her again, I can't promise I won't beat your ass" he said a smirk starting. Adam laughed, "deal." He said and they hugged. The tension eased and the bus was calmer.

"Adam quit it!" I laughed as I tried to get a good picture of him during a rehearsal but he kept making faces or turning his back. "Come on you're my last single shot then I need a group. Please?" I said pouting. "Alright fine" he said and posed with the mic stand. "Thank you" I smiled. "All of you together" I said. When I got the shot I smiled and said I'd meet them in their dressing room. I lounged on the couch and put in my head phones, woman started playing when I hit shuffle on my iPod. I smiled and pulled out my sketch book and pencils to start copying the pictures. The guys came in laughing and joking around. It was good to see James relaxed, it's been a rare sight since mom and dad passed. He sat on my legs, "whatcha doing?" He asked laughing, "ya know just because you're my brother doesn't make it cute, get off." I said lowering my music and taking one side out so I could hear better. "I'm sketching what does it look like?" I finally answered. "Gosh someone is testy" he said getting up. "Ugh I'm sorry Chris just insisted that I get a few more designs going and when I polled your fans they insisted on shirts of you guys so I'm trying to figure it out." Ryan looked over my shoulder, "that just looks like Adam's face" he said laughing. "I'm not done Ryan." I said and flipped back, "and see that's your face" I said mocking him. The guys laughed.

*Adam's pov

We went to change before Chris started yelling at us. I pulled James aside, "can we talk?" I asked as I pulled on my belt. "Sure" he said as he pulled on his sneakers. "So Ali and I have been good lately and I've held up my side of the deal, I wouldn't try anything until I completely changed and I have, even Ali's seen that." I stopped as he looked at me. "So you want me to hold up my side of the deal" I nodded. "I understand if you won't..." I started. "No, I'm holding up my end of the deal, you can try to go for it" he said. I smiled, "thanks man" I said and started to go. "But you better not hurt her Adam, we've become great friends again, I don't want to hate you" he said laughing. I left the room and planned how I would do it, it had to be memorable and downright perfect. I thought and walked into the other room watching her. "Hey Ali" I said and walked over looking at her sketch. "Wow!" I said it was a perfect copy of the picture minus the background of the stage, just me, the mic and the floor directly around me. "Like it?" She asked, "I love it" I said. "Good because its going to be a t-shirt." She said and finished shading it. "Sweet my face is gonna be on a shirt!" I said laughing. She closed the book and stood up to stretch. "Wanna take a walk?" I asked watching her. She nodded and took my hand as we walked out the door, thoughts of making her mine running through my head.

We stood back stage the crowd cheering for us. The guys went on before me. When they were in place I ran out grabbing the mic. "How is everybody doing tonight?!" I asked excitedly. The roar of applause and screams was amazing. The arena was small but it was packed. That was good enough for me. We went through our set pausing here and there for water breaks. By our second encore I knew what I should do. I introduced "woman" and talked about a special girl I had my eye on. The women in the crowd went crazy. I laughed and started singing. When there was a break in the song I walked to the edge of the stage and put my hand out to Ali. I hoped she would take it. When she did I was grateful. I pulled her up and continued singing. When the song ended I paused for applause knowing she wouldn't hear me if I didn't. "So I dedicated a song to you Ali, is it enough to get a chance with you?" I asked. There was an eerie hush that fell over the crowd. "Yea I guess" she said with a huge smile on her face. The crowd went crazy again and I pulled her close and gave her a peck on the lips. "Goodnight!" I yelled and we all took our bows and ran off stage. I pulled Ali close again and kissed her. "Don't mess up this time" she laughed. "You sound like your brother" I laughed my arms around her still. "Good I taught her well" James yelled as he headed out. She laughed and kissed me again.

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