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Klaus, for the life of him, could not think of anything to say in comfort to Elena, what could he say?

Sorry that my mother kidnapped your brother to be used in her revenge against my family?

Yeah, like that would ever be comforting.

Thankfully, help came in the form of none other than Caroline Forbes, the blonde almost bolting from Bonnie's car before the witch even had a chance to stop.

Elena was not the only one effected by Jeremy's sudden disappearance, the Gilbert boy was like a brother to Caroline, a friend to Tyler and Stefan, a lover to Bonnie and... Klaus didn't exactly know what Jeremy was to Kol.

All Klaus knew was that Kol cared for the boy – and that made Kol murderous, the last time someone hurt a person he cared for, Kol destroyed an entire town.

Kol's untameable rage was on par with his own, especially if it was about those, he considered family.

Unsurprisingly but also surprisingly, the Salvatore brothers showed up the moment they caught wind of Elena in peril, both coming in to save the day – Klaus inwardly chuckled as their facial expressions changed from surprise to down right annoyance that Klaus had beaten them to any 'heroic' activity.

Klaus had fed Alaric his blood, the hunter was recovering in a private suite at the hospital under the care of Meredith Fells and a hybrid on guard, now they all were currently sitting in the Mikaelson family's manor – though Klaus was unsure why Elijah invited them all there.

"Damn it!" Bonnie hissed as another map of Mystic Falls caught on fire. "Whatever magic Esther is using is blocking mine, I can't get a lock on Jeremy's location."

"What about blood magic?" Caroline spoke up from her place beside Elena. "Elena's related to Jeremy, wouldn't that work?"

Without missing a beat, Elena rose from her spot and walked over to Bonnie, holding out her open palm for the witch to use in the spell. "We need to try, please, Bonnie."

Before the Salvatores could even protest against it, Bonnie sliced Elena's palm and the blood dripped onto the charred map, Bonnie began to chant; Klaus immediately noticed the same red vine-like lines rose from Elena.

And it seems that he wasn't the only one.

Damon and Stefan Salvatore stood there, mouth open as red magical lines danced around Elena's form, a strong gush of wind burst through and tried to attack; but the red lines stayed.

Elena's blood began to swirl on the map, soon it began moving forming a bloody trail and pooled around a certain spot on the map, from where he stood, Klaus was unsure what the location was.

"The Old Witch house."

"What the bloody hell is 'Old Witch house'?"

"It's an abandoned cottage that stands on the burial ground of a hundred witches that were brutally burned to death." Caroline explained, glancing over at Bonnie. "Most of the witches that died there were from the Bennett coven."

After coming up with a reasonable plan that will most likely not get Jeremy killed in the crossfire between Esther and her children, the Salvatores – mainly Stefan, was extremely interested in the magic that Elena somehow now possessed.

Elena wasn't entirely sure when the supposed magic had manifested, Klaus mentioned how she burnt Esther when she wouldn't let go of Elena's hand, Elijah mentioned something about defensive magic – magic that only activates when the wielder is in extreme peril.

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