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I dug around in my suitcase to find a swimsuit. I picked up a plain, turquoise one piece before going into the bathroom.

Madison told me to come down, she wanted me to come swim with her.

It had been a few days since the loss of Snappy. The day after, we had stayed home and I hid myself away in the bedroom, reading a book. I only came out for meal times.

The day after that, my siblings went quad biking. I didn't feel up to it and asked to stay home, Roman volunteered to stay back with me because I wasn't allowed to stay back by myself so I changed my mind.

I waited and read my book while they biked, they took turns so no one missed and so someone would be able to stay back and watch me even though, I was safe with the workers here with me,

Not once did I join in, even though I was asked multiple times. I didn't want to.

Today, my eldest three siblings went wine tasting and the rest of us stayed home. I guess it was nice for the adults to have a day out, I was relieved because I wasn't feeling good, for real now.

I stayed in the bedroom all day and I even got to skip lunch.

They got back a couple hours ago, Madison had a nap and I read my book.

I stripped off my previous clothes and put on the swimsuit. It was my first time wearing it, one of the ones I'd bought when I went shopping with Madison.

I realised I couldn't see myself properly in the bathroom mirror so I walked out to check if there was one in the bedroom.

"It looks so pretty on you." Madison complimented, making me blush.


I took a look at myself in the mirror and she was right, it did look good but I started to notice things so I looked away.

I threw on one of my shorts and some sandals and then we made our way back down.

Our brothers were in the pool, the younger lot. Roman was sitting at the table outdoors, sipping some lemonade, a book in his hand.

"Hurry up, we're gonna play volleyball." Kai yelled at us from the pool causing the other two, Nick and Caleb to notice us.

I looked at the pool, uncomfortably. The water was of a dark royal blue, which was unnerving. I shifted awkwardly.

"Come on." Madison urged me, a wide smile on her face as she pulled off her dress and threw it on a chair.

I followed her actions and took my shorts off, neatly placing it on another chair.

It's not like I'd be in that dark pool all alone, it'd be fine.

"Jump?" She suggested, reaching a hand out to me.

I forced a smile, nodding.

It wouldn't be so bad.

So we jumped in.

My whole body sunk underwater and I made the mistake of opening my eyes before I resurfaced back up.

It was dark under there, really dark and the pattern of the pool floor was horrible, it made my skin crawl.

I forcefully pushed myself back up to the air with a scream and started splashing around in a panic.

Two fun facts about me, I hate dark pools and I hate weird patterns.

I looked up to the sky as I swam to the edge of the pool, I didn't want to think of what I saw down below.

"What's wrong?" "I thought she could swim?" I heard some yelling but I ignored it, still trying to find the edge of the pool.

Thirteen SummersWhere stories live. Discover now