Chapter 36

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It starts out as a normal day in Team Vapor's headquarters

Let's say Vapor asked everyone to go fishing with him, everyone was busy except Geo(Surprising), Nica and Austin, And Who Told Vapor it was a good idea to include both Austin and Geo?

Anyways I gotta go, Anyways Bye

Vapor: Hey Nica, How's life, Have you found someone yet? Vapor said In a Happy Tone

Nica: Nope, won't and never will, If I date children, I would be in prison, if I did find a person my age, it would be weird and questionable and might be illegal, Honestly I'm Pansexual but, I might be into women more

Austin: You Like Women?

Nica and Vapor: Duh!!

As they go fishing, Vapor Found a Large Milkfish or Bangus, Guys Remember Star Island is a Philippine Autonomous Region

Vapor: Look a Big Catch!!! He said excitingly

Geo,Nica: Yay!!!!

Austin: I can Catch a bigger one
She Smirks

Geo: oh yeah? I will catch a bigger one than yours, Don't forget, I hate you


Vapor: Guys please Stop Fighting, We can Return Home with Our Catches

Nica: yeah, I even caught a big Bangus, she chuckled Mischievously

Then a Kid Approached them, Being in love with Nica

Kid: You're very beautiful, What's your name?

Nica: Ummm thanks, The Names Nica

Kid: Where Do you Go to school at?

Nica: I already graduated college and I am 21, Also kiddo, I may blend in with 12 year olds like you and may look like one, but I'm immortal and I've been counting my age since then

Vapor: This enough, Anyways While you're yapping I Went for a run and got Icecram for all of us

Geo,Nica,Austin: Icecream!?

As they ate their Icecream and Went Back Home, Vapor Encounters A House fire Nearby their HQ,

Vapor Then Heroically Saved the people and took down the fire that plagued the house

Lady #1: Vapor, Thanks for saving me, you're welcome, im a hero you can count on

After that whole Fiasco

They Went back home Safely

Mira: Vapor, Surprised your back so soon

Vapor: Ofcourse Mira, Your my best friend

Rosie: Vapor your back

Vapor: ofcourse Rosie, I'm back with fish

Valore: I might try fishing with you along with my bombs

Vapor: I don't think so, I don't want marine life to be ruined, besides, I am one with the water, and I have water powers, anyways, Anyone Ready for a treat?

Rosie,Nica,Valore,Geo and Austin Exclaim "yes!!!"

Acre, Went downstairs and nonchalantly Grabs a A Glass of Water,

Vapor: so you're gonna ignore us just like that?

Acre: yeah, pretty much

Timeskip: Vapor cooked the fishes they caught and cooked a exquisite meal, That is better than Gordon Ramsey Could Cook, As the journey continue-

Vapor: we're not making a Pokemon Journeys Reference!

Narrator: I'm sorry, As The Adventure kept Adventuring?

The Adventures Of Vapor and Mira/MilesWhere stories live. Discover now