Chapter Three - The Salvation

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Hey Guys, just a quick word before we continue. This is a slightly longer chapter because I knew you have been patient over the past week and I felt it needed to be slightly longer. :)  I also wanted to thank the few of you that have supported this; so now I'll let you read on into Atka's story - please comment your feedback and vote to share the love - PEACE!     

Chapter 3 - The Salvation

Opening my eyes I see nothing but blurred images.  My body aches, my neck stings.  As my eyes adjust to sudden consciousness I see pure white.  I sense I am in some kind of lab or confined room.  My hands and feet are strapped down by metal, I feel encased.  This is not good! I scream to myself.  Thrashing around I try to loosen myself from the heavy grip of the cool metal.  Panic spreads through every fibre of my being. Questions flood through my mind, a new one replacing the last as fast as I could blink; what am I doing here?  What is going to happen to me? 

A beeping sound registers, I look to my right.  There is a heart rate monitor repeating the already loud rhythm of my heartbeat.

Strange tubes are under my skin, one retrieves my blood.  I see needle by needle laid out on a tray.  I hate needles, no not hate, I despise them!  Sweat trickles down my face and hands.  Once again I try to rid myself of the metal grips.  They don’t budge at all.

I eventually calm down slightly.  This must be the new protocol I think.  I try to retain my heartbeat, slow down my breath rate.  A small mirror is directly above me.  I see my golden brown hair; the slight highlights are almost none existent.  My eyes are blood shot.  Something also very peculiar are my irises.  Usually I have intensely dark brown eyes; instead I can see tiny flakes of red and orange within the brown.  This one change keeps me intrigued until I realise I am not looking into a mirror.  It is a screen lens, a camera, probably monitoring me while I am not being supervised.  After realising this small fact I start making rather rude comments towards whoever is on the other end.

Having exhausted myself with all of the trash talk I lie almost numb on the bed.  Now I think about it, it isn’t even really a bed, more of a slab of metal with a head cushion.  Just as I find discomfort and become uneasy someone enters the room.  It looks like a scientist of some sort; I’ve never seen her in school before.  Due to this fact I decide she must be from the Authorities science labs. 

Already I despise her, but I also respect her.  Just as I try to see what she is doing over at the small station she turns around.  Her face is kind and pure.  She has short dyed hair, which is the colour blue and purple.  Apart from a lip piercing she looks completely ordinary.  She sees me staring and offers a friendly smile.

“That was quite a show you put on.” She says.  Still tired and slightly groggy I give her a questionable glance.  Seeing me misunderstand she points to the camera, smiling with the corner of her mouth.  This makes me laugh slightly, although I don’t find it amusing.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it” I say hoarsely.

“Oh I did, but I’m not sure about the others.” She states.

“The others…?” I question.

“You’ll see,” she replies, “But for now I need you to concentrate on your breathing.  And obey everything I tell you to do.”

“I make no promises” I add

“Well I’ll take that as an okay.”

Turning around again she seems to prepare something.  It is only when I see her raise her hand slightly that I remember that is where the needles were.  Oh god I think.  I do as she said and try to control my breathing again.  Slow and steady I tell myself.  The doctor of sorts brings the needle with her to the right of where I lie.  She gives me a reassuring nod before she straps a numbing band across my arm.  A numbing band is a newly developed numbing treatment; instead of needles the band slowly releases more and more serum into your arm.  I prefer these.  Keeping my breathing at a normal pace I redirect my gaze away from the needle.

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