Chapter Six - People to Trust

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Chapter 6 - People to trust

I struggle in the stranger’s grasp.  Their hand is covering my mouth so that I cannot scream or shout.  My heart races; pounding rapidly in my chest.  The shadowed figure speaks quietly.

“You need to be quiet if you don’t want to be caught.” They say in an almost velvety soft tone.  They release their hand from my mouth, allowing me the freedom of speech. I do not face the stranger but I know they are close; I can feel their breath against my neck.  I keep my eyes on the hallway, as I watch the soldiers ponder over where I have disappeared to.  After seeing that I have escaped for now I turn slowly to my mysterious saviour.

“Who are you?” I ask as quietly but as clear as I can.  “Why did you help me?”

“I am someone to trust.  My name is Xavier Hernandez; but I go by the name of ‘Zev’.  And I helped you because we’re the same.” He answers smoothly with no stutters or hesitations.

I turn slowly towards Xavier.  I stop halfway, not wanting to come too close to the apparent hero.  I can hear him breathing harshly as if he too is running from something or someone.  His breaths warm the back of my neck.

“How are we the same?” I continue.

“We are the same because of what has happened to us.  We are the same because what those people have done to us.” He whispers rather calmly but I sense the venom he speaks into the word ‘people’.  His words get my attention.  Did this happen to everyone? I am left wondering.  “You can’t stay here too long.  It’s only a matter of time before they find the gap.”

“What do I do?”  I enquire.

“There will be one moment, and only one where you can step out.”  Xavier replies.

Instead of replying I simply nod, although he probably couldn’t see.  Feeling rather anxious I turn around fully.  I have to see his face I think.  As I turn I see only a silhouette.  The lack of light hides colour and definition.  I do, however, see his eyes.  A gleam of sapphire like blue appears, enough so I can see it.  Then the light changes again so I cannot see. 

I turn back around to see what happens just in front of me.  The soldiers move again, searching rooms.  This is that one moment.  I leap out into the light, just as the soldiers enter the adjacent room.  My eyes react to the light slowly.  It’s almost as if I can only see ahead of me again.  But this time, after I blink, it is gone.  I look to my left.  No one blocks that end of the hall way, I suspect they are the men in the rooms.  To my right I hear laughing and the occasional cheer.  I decide to go left.

As I stay low and move slowly I sneak one last look at the breach in the wall; trying to have one last glance at the boy who saved me; the boy who was called ‘Zev’. I am surprised at just how discrete the breach is, it was clearly big enough to fit two people, however the entrance is devious; as the red lights flash on and off it hides the breach well, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Banishing the thoughts of Xavier from my head I begin to slowly make my way to the end.  I hug the wall, making sure I can see anyone and everyone who approaches.  My senses are sharp.  I hear everything from the moving fibres of material from a jacket to the small breeze of air travelling through the vents. 

My eyes dart from object to object, catching the slightest movement.  From the corner of my eye I see a door open slightly.  I daren’t stop moving.  Keeping my concentration on that door I continue to travel across the passage.

A soldier wonders carelessly out of the room.  I stop, panicking slightly.  My eyes are locked on her.  She shifts her gaze across the walls.  She does not see me, yet.  Then she seems to spot something peculiar.  She sees the breach.  Sensing this is the time to move I start rising in order to get speed.  But my shoes squeak against the tiled flooring.  Instantly her head shoots back in my direction.  My eyes almost seem to bulge in realisation.

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