Chapter 10. Carlise

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Chapter 10. Fully edited
Wonwoo's POV

Oh no....
Shes gone
I swear she ran this way!
Ugh what do I do?
I'll call her.
I got her number from Steph.
I gave her number a call.
"Pick up Soomi....."
"He-llo?" A voice stuttered
"Soomi! Come back here right now!"I yelled into the phone.
"Soomi? Who is that? Is it a boy? What about Myungsoo here?" A voice said from her side of the line.
"Don't touch him." she snarled
"I can do what I want with him. I should tell him you were being a slut again and was out with another guy while he was getting beat up.." the voice said again
Myungsoo got beat up?
Was she with him?
"Listen Wonwoo. I don't care who you are and what you want. Just leave me alone." Soomi said into the phone.
"Wonwoo? Is it?" The voice said and I heard the buzz of the phone being passed around.
"Hello? Is this Jeon Wonwoo?" The voice asked
How does she know My name?
"Yes it is.. who is this? And why do you have Soomi?" I asked with a sneer.
"Im her mother! And your mother in law darling." oh no.....
She's with her mom....
I have to get to their house now....
"Oh hello eomonni.... may I visit Soomi today?" I asked hoping she'd let me to stop her from being harmed.
"Of course! Come over as soon as you can." she said sweetly, I knew it was an act.
"Okay i'll be on my way now then, thank you eomonni." I said along with the sweetest voice I could manage through pure disgust.
I don't know if I helped Soomi out but I hope I did.
Just as I was about to call for a taxi I got a phone call from Joshua.
"Dude Brie's in the hospital." He said hurriedly.
"What?!?! Why!?!" I asked worried that something bad happened
"She lost a lot of blood." he said sadly.
"Why? What happened?" I asked bowing at a near by clouple as I startled them with my screaming
"She.... cut herself...." he said. His voice sounded weary. He was Brie's older brother so he must've been very worried.
"I'm on My way which hos-."
I remembered that I told Soomi's mom i'd be there soon...
If I don't go and cancel something bad will happen... But if I don't go to Brie her condition may get worse if I don't try to help...
My head hurts I don't know what to do...
My girlfriend or my future wife?
My girlfriend who is self harming herself or my fiance who may be harmed my her own parents.
Either way one will get hurt...
But which is more important?
"Bro... are you okay?" Joshua asked through the phone call.
"I... can't come Joshua um... I'm Soo sorry!" I said into the phone.
As long as Brie is at the hospital no harm will come to her.
"Wonwoo... this Is my sister we're talking about. If it's that important then she'll understand. Go and do what you can to come quickly." He said as he hung up the phone.
"Okay... hyung" I said quietly as I dialed the number for a taxi.
I gave him Soomi's address and told him to hurry.
I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for the driver to stop.
What if she's in pain by the time I get there?
What if something has happened already?
What if I'm too late?
"Mister? We're here" the driver said as he told me the amount I had to pay. I payed him the money In a rush and gave him a 5 dollar tip as I rushed to the front door, of her giant house.
"I'm not going with him!" I heard Soomi's voice shaking with fear
I gasped and decided to knock.
"Carlise! Get the door!" Someone yelled
"Alrighty! And go hard on her for once. I'll keep our guest company." I'm guessing Carlise said smugly.
The door opened and Carlise flashed me a smile.
"Well hello there stranger! So you want to come into our beautiful house now?" She said as she winked at me.
I've got to admit she was my style.
Long brown hair, big boobs, and ass, and of course a slim, tall body.
(Carlise will be played by Jiae from lovelyz!!!)
But I preferred Soomi and Brie.
Carlise looked like a slut...
On all levels.
(I'm sorry Jiae Unnie ㅠㅠ youre beautiful.... SHE'S LIKE ALL OF MY GOALS ROLLED INTO ONE... TOO PERF)
"Yes please... and where's Soomi?" I asked
Her face fell and turned into a scowl. "The bitch is getting what she deserves. And why? What's your relationship with her Mr. Handsome?" She asked me her face fixed and bright again.
"I'm her Fiancé." I said to her and walked into the house passing the shocked Carlise.
"No! Stop! You're hurting hi-" Soomi screamed...
where are they?
"Don't worry about that Oppa... its... uhhh... just the movie I was watching..." she said as she noticed my shocked face.
"Um... okay... do you know where I can find Soomi?" I asked her rapidly I was really worried now.
"She'll be here soon." Carlise said boredly as she came closer and lifted my chin towards hers
"Soomi is here!" Her mom chirped coming from the basement.
Carlise immediately backed away.
I looked at Soomi and was shocked.
Her hair was a mess, tear stains were all over her face, her clothes were torn is some places.
But the one thing that caught me the most...
Was the frightened, shocked, lost look on her face, that turned into hatred when her eyes saw me.

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