Chapter 3 : Twinkle, Twinkle

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"I met this girl named Venus Quill today at the photo shoot. Turns out she's the owner of the vault those robbers were trying to break into. Oh, and it also turns out that she totally FREAKS me out."

I was back home. Finding myself alone, seeing as Johnny had to report for duty. So much for cuddling. I decide to invite Chris over again for any last minute decisions that I wanted to add for the wedding. I sat on the couch while Chris sat besides me on his laptop.

"Freaks you out how?" Chris asked.

"Let's see. It was fine at first. She complemented me, said that she thinks she knows me from somewhere. Then she grabbed my hand and started to caressed my skin, talking about how soft it was." I said.

Chris hummed, typing away.

"Uh-huh, are you sure she isn't gay?" He asked with out looking up from the screen.

I gave him a look, "Really Chris?"

"I'm just asking."

"Well, I really didn't have time to ask while I was too busy running away from her!"

"She actually followed you everywhere you went? Everywhere?" He paused from typing.

"Yes! I tried to get to the elevator, she got there in time before the door closes. I hid inside a janitor's closet and she found me. And I couldn't even stop at Starbucks without that girl just waiting for me at a window seat waving."

Chris shook his head in disbelief and continued on typing.

"Seems to me missy, that you've got a stalker." He said.

I throw my head back against the couch with a groan.

"But I don't want to have a stalker! Not 2 week before my wedding day!" I say.

"How did you finally get away from her?"

"I had ran into an alley next to the Starbucks, took off my necklace and fly away home safely on my board. I was a blur of silver in the sky."

I still don't understand why Venus was so hell bent on following me around. What does she want from me? And that feeling I had gotten when she grabbed my hand. It wasn't like when Johnny touched me when he was having problems with his power.

His was all tingly and warm.

Venus was unpleasant and icy cold.

"Well maybe she isn't a stalker. As long as she isn't out there still trying to hunt you down, finding out were you sleep at night." Chris said.

"What if she shows up to the wedding? Oh GOD Chris, what if she shows up?" I asked, sounding slightly terrified. My whole body had tensed at the thought.

"Calm down, Bek. Don't get you're silver panties in a twist. I'll make sure to inform security to not let her in if she comes."

I relax, grabbing the pillow behind me and hugging it to my chest.

"Okay...I fell a little safer."

"Good. Now, next week I'll email your schedule for the big day. When to wake up, who's picking you up, where you're going to get your nails done, who's your hair stylist, when you are to arrive at the Baxter building, etc."

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