Chapter 9 : Misunderstood

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I slowly gained consciousness and opened my eyes and moved my head to the side as they adjusted

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I slowly gained consciousness and opened my eyes and moved my head to the side as they adjusted. I was in my room back at the Baxter building. I finally took notice that someone was sitting in a chair next to me looking straight ahead.

"Alicia." I croak. She turned her head in the direction of my voice and smiled.

"Hey there, Sleeping beauty. You scared all of us to death. Johnny and Ben wouldn't stop freaking out. Your dad appeared calm, but Sue told me that he was looking very worried and...scared. Reed checked you out before the place you in bed." I pulled my covers back and sat up.

"Where--" I groan at the pain that radiated through my body. Alisha placed her hand out to stop me and I laid back down against the pillows. A numb feeling settled in my limbs.

"Stay down, I'll go get the others."

I watched her walk out the door. A moment later Chris walked in with a bouquet of flowers. He set them on the night stand.

"How you feeling mama?" He asked.

"Numb. And like I'm about to vomit. Apparently I have a strong stomach since I haven't. Yet."

"What happened to you?"

"I honestly don't know."

Hurried footsteps came from the hall and Sue, Johnny and Ben emerged, Alicia trailing behind my brother holding his arm.

"Rebekah. I'm so glad you're okay." Sue said.

"Babe, thank god." Johnny jumped onto the bed and pulled me into a hug. I sighed in his warm embrace.

"Sis, you scared the crap out of me." Ben says.

I heard two more pair of foot steps come in. My dad and Reed. I pulled away from Johnny after giving him a peck on the lips, looking around at everyone and my eyes landed on Reed.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"42 hours."

"The little girl I saved. Did you find her mother?"

"What little girl?" Johnny asked.

"The one I brought down from that collapsing building."

"After you fainted?" Sue asked.

I nod my head. They all wore confused faces. I looked at them with my eyebrows raised.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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