Chapter 2 : Venus Quill

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Hey guys! Picture up top is from Rebekah's photo shoot. Venus Quill is played by Alexandra Breckenridge


The next day I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off on the night stand. I reached for it with my eyes still closed, and successfully turned it off. Today I was going to a photo shoot.

I opened my eyes and find myself face to face with Johnny. His arms were wrapped around my waist, still sleeping besides me, his mouth open slightly. Maybe I can actually get out of here on time, unlike the last few times. I poked his cheek with my finger. No reaction.

"Johnny?" I asked.

I got a loud snore as an reply. I rolled my eyes and removed his arms from around my waist, rolling onto my side and got up. Then the next thing I know I'm being pushed back down, laying on my back while Johnny lays on top of me, eyes still closed.

Every damn time with this man!

I huff, trying to push him off of me but he doesn't budge.

"Don't go." Johnny mumbles into my neck.

"Johnny please, not this again!" I say.

I wait for him to get off me so I can get up. But he never does.

"Come on, you're going to make me late for the photo shoot." I said.

"But I want you all to myself!"

I sighed, lifting up a hand to run it through his hair.

"Modeling is something I like to do, Johnny." I say.

"Cuddling with my fiancé in bed is something I like to do, Rebekah."

"Which we can do when I come back."

"But they keep you there forever! I want you to STAY!" Johnny whines.

"God, I'm marrying a child!"

Johnny lifts up his head, resting his chin on top of my chest. He furrows his eyebrows and pouts. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Don't give me that look." I said.

Johnny pouts his lip out more, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. They were pretty damn good, I'll give him that. But not good enough to make me stay. I tilt my head towards the ceiling.

"Nope. Not falling for it."

There was a small whimper making me look back at Johnny.

"1 hour Johnny, then I'll be back home, and all yours."

"You already are mine," Johnny says with a grin and I flick him on the head, "Alright, 1hour. But if you're not back on time I will never let you leave this bed for another photo shot again."

"Thank you. Now get off!"

Johnny rolls off of me and lays on his side. I get up out of bed, hop into the shower as fast as I can, and when I find a quick outfit to wear I literally speed out the door.


"Perfect Rebekah! You did great!"

I got up and out of the small set they had me in so we could too the photos. I made my way over to the photographer Francis, a big smile on my face. 

"Thanks Francis. Can I see a photo or two?" I asked once I was close.

"Of course." He said.

He went through his camera and pulled two that we just did before we finished up. I smiled at my facial expressions. But by far, my favorite was the second one, where it shows the whole outfit I was wearing.

"Nice. You will send me copies won't you?" I asked.

"Don't I always? Now off you go to change, don't want to keep your fiancé waiting. Oh. Keep the outfit love, it's suits you."

With a nod and a quick hug I walked back to my dressing room. I had just finished putting on my jacket when there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked, flipping my hair out of my jacket.

The door opened and closed. I heard the sound of heals click against the floor.

"Are you Rebekah Grimm?"


I turn around and face the girl behind me. She was tall, but not as tall as me. She was pretty with her red hair.

"Who are you?" I asked after taking in her whole appearance.

"My name is Venus. Venus Quill." She said.

"Have we met before?" I asked.

"Ah no. Your brother and his friends helped stop those robbers from getting into my uncles vault."

"Oh yeah. I remember, you're that living relative."

"Yeah. I never got the chance to tell your friends how thankful I am."

"Well, I'll make sure to pass that on."

I went to head for the door when Venus moved in front of me, blocking my way.

"Wow. You are just super pretty." She said. I smiled.  

"Thank you. You're very kind."

I went to the side and so did she. I felt my smile flatten a little.

"You remind me of someone." She said.

"I bet I do. Now excuse me."

Even though I sounded annoyed it didn't seem to faze Venus on bit. I was finally able to move past her when she grabbed my hand.


Tingles went through my arm when we touched. No it wasn't even tingles. It didn't feel anything like that. It felt like a thousand needles getting pierce into my skin at once, a chilling feel along with it.

"Is something wrong Rebekah?" Venus asked with concern.

"Nothing. Just cold all of a sudden." I said.

"Well, that's weird."

Yes. Very weird and new. Venus starts to run her fingers down my hand. A look of awe on her face.

"You have very smooth skin." She said.

Okay, now she's just freaking me out. I took my hand away from hers and the feeling went away. I fast walked to the door and swung it open before starting to sprint towards the elevator. I heard the sound of Venus heels from behind me.

"Hey Bekah wait up!"

Everything Shatters (Johnny Storm / Fantastic Four) [SEQUEL TO EC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin