Part 17-Grieving

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*Major Timeskip*

Hundreds of people gather in silence, circling the luscious and mechanical garden, all in the center of it, a beautiful ivory casket. In the casket, the once powerful, elegant, kind, and gracious, Cassandra Kiramman. Her husband sat on the steps, not being able to bear to see his wife's corpse. The surviving councilors, Salo, Shoola, Jayce, and Mel, watch over from a distance. Standing right above her mother's body, Caitlyn stands there with a mournful face. You stand beside her, sensing the dirty looks from the upper class who didn't know who you were. You couldn't cry now, Caitlyn wouldn't, so you couldn't either. She grabs your hand tightly, interlocking fingers. As good as she was masking her pain, the squeeze she gave to your hand told you how much she was hurting. The pain, sadness, anger, hatred, sorrow, mourning, and most of all...emptiness. You contemplated saying something, anything helpful, hopeful, but it was clear she didn't want to hear it. You turn slightly to see Vi dawning her hood and walking away from the funeral. You didn't have time to think about why, because Caitlyn gently places her head against yours, quietly, a single tear streaks down her face. You both watch as the casket slowly closes and lay Cassandra to rest. The enforcers lift her casket and begin carrying her off, and you and Caitlyn stand as straight as possible, out of respect for her. You share a look at her, and she can't hold back anymore, her lips quiver, her eyes close, and she just cries into your shoulder. You hold her tightly, knowing exactly what she's going through. To lose a parent, one you were close to, one who cared for you, the pain is beyond words.


You and Caitlyn stand in the meeting room for the Councilors, directly in the center, Caitlyn stares at the seat her mother used to represent. Councilor Medarda came up to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Mel: "She was a great woman. A good friend. I don't know how we'll face this crisis without her." she turns to you, placing a kind hand on your shoulder as well. "She must've been like a second mother to you. She always gushed about you."

Loud clunks echo from the entrance of the hall, wheels squeaking across the hard marble. A powerful woman walks in, pushing Councilor Salo, looking thin. Well, thinner than usual.

Salo: "To think we nearly extended sovereignty to the creatures that done this." he sighs before darting his head at you. "What the hell are they doing here." he snarls.

Caitlyn: "They're assisting with the investigation."

Salo: "This place used to stand for something, imposing order. We've been trying to appease these demons in our basement for too long, it's time to act! I know for a fact that they must've been responsible for the first attack on your building, and then they suddenly heal from being crippled." he glares directly into your eyes, obviously jealous of your legs. "Hextech has gone to the wrong causes." he spits.

Caitlyn: "That's enough!" she snaps. "I'm sorry that they aren't among you in power or riches, but they were a direct witness to this attack! We all are! So stop acting like you're the only one that's suffered when you never had to struggle through a goddamn thing in your life!"

The room went silent, awkward, but everyone did give Salo a dirty look. You decide to see yourself out when a strong hand grabs your shoulder. It's that large woman from before.

???: "I don't think we've formally met, child, but my name is Ambessa Medarda." she extends her hand.

Y/N: "Ah, yes. You must be Councilor Medarda's mother."

Ambessa nods appreciatively.

Ambessa: "Indeed. I was interested"

Y/N: "Excuse me?" you respond confused.

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