Part 2-Welcome to the Playground

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The horns around the city start blaring their low-tone noises, indicating that the enforcers should get on their feet.

Vi: "Y/N, get back to the café," she says.

You nod your head, jump back on the roof, and make your way back to the café. You make lots of risky jumps and ducks in order to avoid the eyesight of the enforcers. They did see you on the balcony, you just hope they don't recognize you from the café. Often, enforcers would come to the café during their break, and you occasionally make small talk. But now you had to be careful. You find the roof that's just below your balcony. You use a running start to jump onto the bars, landing on the edge and climbing over, immediately closing the balcony doors behind you. The slam was quite loud, which then is answered by quick loud stomps closing in on your location. CC rushes into the room and looks at you with a panicked face.

CC: "Oh for crying out loud! Where the hell were you, a building was just blown up!" he yells.

You were surprised at how CC knew so quickly, and unfortunately, that thought showed on your face, causing him to realize.

CC: "Oh my god, please tell me you didn't..." he somewhat begs.

Y/N: "Well it wasn't my fault, the building randomly exploded while I was inside."

CC: "Uh-huh, sure. Next your gonna tell me that you flew back here on a magic broom." he says clearly stressed. "Do you know how many enforcers were out there!? I had to temporarily close the café conveniently to look for you. Do you understand how suspicious we look now!?" he panics.

This was bad. The fact that CC closed the café shortly before the explosion makes not only you but him too, a suspect. You both were starting to freak out, and you both knew it would take a miracle for nothing to go wrong. CC decides to close the café early and begins making plans for how to deal with this.

CC: "Ok, if the enforcers come and ask questions, just be as calm as possible." he explains.

Y/N: "What would I tell them."

CC: "Were there any witnesses?" he asks.

Y/N: "No." you say, but then think about Caitlyn. "Well, maybe one." you then say sheepishly.

CC: "Shit. Well then, explain what happened to them truthfully."

Y/N: "What, but then they'll arrest me!"

CC: "If they catch you lying, the punishment will be much worse. If it really wasn't your fault, try to lean on the excuse that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Y/N: "That won't work." you mutter audibly.

CC: "Why not?" he questions.

Y/N: "Because, well a certain person may have seen me, and someone they know might be a councilor."

CC then puts it together. He then gasps discreetly in shock. You both then hear enforcers running behind your building, seeming to be chasing the other culprits.

CC: "There may be one other way." he says seemingly disappointed, you were slightly confused and his tone worried you. "Who else was there?" he asks.

Y/N: "You want me to snitch!?" you gasp.

CC: "I didn't say that,"

Y/N: "No no but you meant it. Look, I'm not gonna be a narc. Plus, it wasn't their fault either. They were just looting and then KABOOM!"

You then realize you said too much. You cover your mouth in a hurry wishing you took back what you said. CC was a smart man, mostly because he's old and he's been around a while. But then CC takes a deep breath.

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