Wedding Disaster

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It took a little while but the wedding was happening. This cannot fail. But can it?

It was a Wednesday evening, Sonica just got off work late and drove around.

It strangely started to snow yet it was still summer.

Sonica felt intense from what happened.

She scheduled Shadow and Sonia's wedding about 2 weeks.

Although these 2 past weeks were a little kind to her  considering she was pregnant.

Luckily her father and nurse picked up her sons.

She said to herself, "Geez. I have a craving for chocolate covered watermelon smothered in marshmallows. Hehe I'm already craving."

That's when Sonica got a sudden text.

She come to a stop light and reached for her phone. It was from an anonymous text saying: Come to 4765 Caspian street at St. Lilys church.

Sonica assumed it was a client before the green light appeared and Sonica drove to the address.

She parked across the church.

She noticed multiple cars and said to himself, "Geez. Must be busy. This is the address. Still, I have a weird feeling."

That's when Julia and Manette sees her behind the bushes. Manette whispered, "She's here."

Julia replied, "I probably wouldn't believe this if I didn't believe in what Knuckette told me. But after seeing the results and what the doctor told me, I haft to believe it."

Manette asked, "Are you sure we're doing the right thing here Mom? Sonica is not head over heels for her like she used to be."

Julia replied, "She is carrying Knuckettes baby. We disagreed with this once I don't want to make the same mistake again."

Julia then realized and asked, "Where's my husband?"

Charlotte answered, "He's at home with the boys sis."

Manette replied, "Look I feel bad too but no one can rush this. Sonica had Raito cremated 11 months ago. You think she's ready for this now?"

Julia then turn to Charlotte and asked, "Did you reach Lockette and Lenny-Lee?"

Charlotte replied, "Neither are responding the calls."

Sonica entered the church and sees no one.

That's when the doors closed as she shouted, "WHAT THE?!"

Thats when the lights turned on a little, candles flickered, the wedding March played by a harp was heard.

The church was filled beautiful flowers and wedding decorations.

Sonica was a bit surprised but shocked.

It was a set up to lure her here.

She muttered, "I knew something was up."

She sees Jamie and Rogue behind her.

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