Rainy Day Sincerity

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It was about 7:30, Satoshi walked into her mother's room and said, "Wake up Mom!"

He was surprised to see Sonica on her bed eating a bowl of pudding with gummy bears and cookie crumbs

Sonica looks at him and said, "Morning Satoshi."

Satoko then said while awkwardly looking, "Uhh Mom, it's Max's first birthday. You uhh...said we gotta go out for family time for his birthday."

Sonica sighs and said as she took a bite of her pudding, "Sure thing honey. I'll get ready as soon as the birthday boy gets up."

Satoko seeing her mother a little down as he know something is going on and asked, "What's the matter Mom? And why are you eating pudding for breakfast in bed?"

Sonica then answered her first born child, "Remember when I told you I was married to that red echidna and all?"

Satoshi answered him, "Yes Mom Why?"

That's Sonica told Satoshi what happened and told her son she's pregnant.

Satoshi was surprised before she said, "Whoa. That's more surprising than my 7'th birthday. So you're carrying her baby?"

Sonica nodded slowly as she said, "Yeah. You're gonna be a big brother again."

Satoshi then said, "Mom? I dunno if I told you but when we were at the diner, she gave me her condolences about Dad and said she wouldn't forgive that jerk, Not just for what he did to Dad or you but for killing your marriage with her. She also said she can never forgive him much as she can't forgive that white bat or herself."

Sonica sniffs and said, "She said that?" Satoshi nodded but then he thought of something.

If he's the reason for his parents being together then he can be the reason for them to be together. He was their gifted son besides Riku and Max.

Although Satoshi is truly gifted but he can also sense a heartbeat or two. It's part of his power. It's the reason why he knew he was gonna have brothers.

Satoshi then got close and put his ear to his mother's stomach.

Sonica asked, "Satoshi what are you doing?"

Satoshi answered, "Checking to see what you will have. I can tell what baby you will have, remember?"

Sonica replied, "Oh yeah right."

Satoshi listened closely as he then had a surprised look on his face. He not only heard one heartbeat but he heard a second heartbeat.

He let out a light gasped and thought, "Whoa. This is surprising. I think Mom will love what the baby will be."

Satoshi listened closely as Sonica asked, "Well? What is son?"

Satoshi got up and said while looking at his mothers eyes, "You won't believe this. There is not only one, but two heartbeats. Mom, you're having twins."

Sonica surprisingly said, "TWINS?!"

Sonica felt like she was gonna faint before she calmed down and said as she sighed, "Guess I'm having a set of twin boys."

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