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A/N: In case of confusion, italic lettering is human Ella's thoughts, and bold lettering is God's sister Ella's thoughts. (I keep posting this incase you guys have forgotten) AH! CANT BELIEVE ITS ALREADY CHAPTER 20!!

It's kind of ironic, don't you think?

You knew?!

Of course I knew, he's my son!

I'm getting sick of you.

It's a shame that your stuck with me.

We'll see about that.



"Ella!" Dean says. I look up.
"What?" I ask.
"You've been spacing out ever since Sam told us..." Dean says.
"Oh..." I say.
"Oh? That's all you have to say? Oh?" He says, getting mad.
"No Sam, it's okay. That's all? Yeah, that's all! My brother is my son's vessel or whatever. How do you think I feel? Huh? What do you want me to say? That we're gonna fix this? There's no way to fix it! He's still the vessel. He's still going to be, no matter what we do! So yeah, that's all I have to say." I snap. My brothers look taken aback.
"Look, I'm sorr--"
"I don't even wanna hear it." I say and go outside.
Oh, I have an attitude.
Although I can only hear her, I know she's smirking.
Would you shut up?
That's no way to talk to yourself.
Well, you're not me. To me, at least.
But I am you, sooner or later we will be one.
Are you hitting on me?
You silly human version of myself. You are me, I am you. One day, we will have to be put back together.
I don't understand...
We have to merge.
Yes. The stronger one will remain while the other one will die. Either way, the one remaining will have powers.
And when do we...merge?
Whenever. Sooner would be better. I can tell you do not like my being in your head...or is it my head?
"Ella?" Sam calls.
Seems you cannot spend time with yourself.
"Over here." I call back.
"You okay? I'm sorry about Dean back there. I understand it must be really hard for you too." He says.
"It is Sammy, but I can't even imagine how you must feel right now." I say, looking at him.
"Well it's not like when people asked me what I wanted to be when I was older I said 'the devil', but I know we'll figure it out." He says, managing a small laugh.
"You act like it doesn't bug you. I know it does. You don't have to act like you're okay with it when your near me." I say.
"I know. It's just, there's so many problems, and this just adds on." He says, sighing.
"I know you're selfless Sam, but I think it's time you think of yourself for once. So deal with yourself, everyone else can wait." I say. He just stares at me, a little taken aback. I can tell that's not what he thought I was going to say.
"Thank you Ella." He says sincerely, and hugs me tight. I return the hug, knowing that it's what he and I both need. I also know that what I said was exactly what he needed to hear.
"I don't know what me and Dean would've done if we didn't find you." He says, pulling back.
"I think you would've managed." I say with a smile.
"Now that, is a lie." He says.
"You're right. You guys would be lost without me." I say half jokingly and half cockily.
"Damn straight." Dean says, walking up to us.
Her thoughts echo in my head "Sooner or later"
"Uh guys, it may not be the time but, I...gotta tell you something." I say. They look at me expectantly.
|-----------5 minutes later---->
" that's what has to happen eventually." I finish.
"Our family is so messed up." Dean says, rubbing his face.
"Yep. You've been to hell, I'm God's sister and Sam is Lucifer's vessel. What a year." I say.
"Ella, you might as well get it over with." Dean says.
"But she might not come back." Sam points out.
"It's whoever is stronger. Our sister definitely gonna kick her ass." Dean says.
"You wanna take that chance?" Sam asks.
"I'm right here guys." I say, annoyed. "You can't do it." Sam says.
"You talk as if it's your choice." I respond.
"She's right Sammy, it's not your choice, or mine." Dean says.
"Well then what is your choice?" Sam asks.
"You don't have to ask me that, you already know." I whisper.
So can we get this over with?
"Guys, I'll be back. I'm going out for a little bit." I say and walk out.
Don't make promises that you can't keep.
I didn't. I will be back.
We'll see.
So how does it work?
You won't like it.
"Sam!" Dean yells right before Sam gets stabbed in the back...literally.
"SAM!" I yell, my voice cracking as I run towards him. I get to him, but as u try to feel for a pulse, I get a gun in my face.
"Who are you?" Dean asks harshly. I stand up, confused and scared at the tone he's using.
"It's me, Ella." I say.
"Sorry but I don't know you. Now back away from my brother." He says, taking off the safety. I stumble back, shocked.
Dean grabs Sam and drives off, me breaking into a car and following.
What the hell is going on? I ask, but no one answers. It feels as if I'm the only one in my head...
Eventually I see Dean drive off somewhere and keep following. I park my car farther away and crouch behind a bush. I see a demon pop up.
Dean...what are you doing??
"My my my, Dean Winchester. What's the special occasion?" The demon asks.
(A/N: I don't know the dialogue so bear with me)
"Bring back Sam. Me for him. I get my 10 years and then you can get me." Dean says.
"Mm there's no benefit there. 1 year." He says.
"No." Dean says.
"Then no deal." He replies.
"5 years." Dean tries to bargain.
"I guess Sam isn't coming back." The demon says, and as soon as he's about to leave, Dean stops him.
"Fine. 1 year. Just bring him back." Dean says, his voice cracking.
"Pleasure doing business. See you in a year." The demon says and poofs away.
"Dean Winchester you idiot!" I tell, furious. Furious because
1. He sold his soul
2. I was too frozen and shocked to stop him
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks.
"I don't know! I wanted to make sure you were okay." I say.
"Well I'm fine. And I don't know you so leave before I shoot you." He says.
"Yeah, you're peachy." I say sarcastically.
"Get.Out.Of.Here." Dean says, getting in my face.
"Not a nice way to treat your sister." I mumble.
"Sister? Sorry lady, but I don't have a sister." He says.
"You do. And she's right in front of you." I say softly.
"No!" He says firmly, but knowing him I could hear the uncertainty.
"Come on. Let's go see Sammy and then we can argue about this." I say.
"Fin--wait, did you call him Sammy?" He asks.
"Like I said, there's a lot to explain." I say.
"You act like I died." Sam says with a laugh. I see Dean freeze. But before he can respond, Sam notices me.
"Uh...what did I miss?" He asks.
"She says she's our sister. But I think she's just playing us." He says, whispering the last part.
"Keep whispering and no pie." I say bitterly. They both look at me surprised.
"How'd you know I love pie? Have you been stalking us?" He asks, reaching for his gun.
"No. Like I said, I'm your sister dumbass." I say.
"Then how come you know things about me but I don't even know your name?" He asks.
"Well I did tell you my name but whatever. And it's because I'm from the future or something I guess. You told me about how you went to Hell so I assume this is the past." I explain.
"Hell? What is she talking about Dean?" Sam asks.
"I don't know Sammy. I think she's crazy. Let's just leave her." He quickly covers up.
"No. She has a right to explain herself." Sam says.
"And that's why Sammy's my favourite." I say with a smirk. I see Dean frown at that and Sam is shocked by the nickname.
"Okay so here's what happen--"
"And then I showed up when you got stabbed." I finish.
"I don't know..." Dean says skeptically.
"Sounds like where our life is going. Except Hell. How does he end up in Hell?" Sam asks confused.
"That's for Dean to explain." I say, not wanting to piss off him even more.
"Okay so you're here to see who's stronger? How does you coming here prove that?" Dean asks, trying to get Sam not to ask questions and succeeding.
"I...I don't know." I say, puzzled.
"Well...after we test her, I think we should bring her with us." Sam says hopeful.
"No, come on. She's family." Sam says.
"We'll see." He replies.
This is going to be interesting...
____11 months, 29 days later____
During all those months, all we did was hunt. Sam eventually figured out about the soul selling thing and he was pissed. I met Ruby again. As if the first time wasn't enough. Dean journey to Hell is today. Well...more like we're in a room while hell hounds are trying to get in to rip Dean to shreds. And I'm terrified. I can't stop the inevitable, but I wish I could.
Ruby's trying to "help" us. Gah, now that I know that bitch was playing us the whole time, I wanna kill her even more. I can't tell anyone though. If me coming here didn't already change things, telling them that would. The door burst open and I see Ruby?
She turns and sees me.
"Hmm you're not supposed to be here." She says and tries to fling me across the wall. Key point being tries.
"Well, no matter. Boys! Sick em." She says and the hellhounds attack Dean.
"NO!" I yell and try to run to him but am pushed back by a hellhound snarling in my face.
There rest is pain.
And more torture.
Guess what? I'm in Hell too.
Twist? Yeah. I'm placed in front of Dean. We face each other, both covered in blood, barely conscious. How it works is, everything they do to him, I can feel. It's even worse that I have to watch. I can't do it, watching my brother get tortured. I don't care if I'm tortured physically...but mentally? I'm not up to it.
But, it was too bad for me...
"Ah!" I yell, opening my eyes to see both of my brothers in the exact same spot I left them when I went out for a little. Slowly getting up I realize I'm shaking. From pain or power, I don't know. They both look at me, rushing to my side.
"C-close your eyes." I manage to whisper. Then I feel a blinding white light.
You won. I always knew you could. Take care.
Upon opening my eyes, I see the boys gasp. I look in the mirror to see my eyes have turned bright blue. I turn back to them to see them shocked.
"What...happen?" Sam asks.
"She's gone." I say.
"So, how was your walk?" Dean asks smugly.

"Not boring, I can tell you that."

A/N: I made it almost 2000 words because surpriseeeeeee!
I have no idea what I'm doing anymore XD
I'm just going with the flow aha.
Sorry if there's errors, I'm too lazy to revise.

My confused angel: A Castiel love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant