Family Drama

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So we finally arrive at a motel and check in.

"Oh yeah Ella, you're not coming with us to hunt." Dean says. I stare at him, completely insulted.
"Uh yeah, Dean, I am." I state.

"No Ella, you're not. And that's final." He says.

Sam just looks like he doesn't know what to do.

"Dean she's already a hunter so-" Sam starts but Dean cuts him off.

"No and I'm not repeating it. She's gonna stay safe." He says.

"Stay safe? You're not the boss of me!" I yell.

"I don't care! Go into your room and stay safe you idiot! You wanna die like your mom did?!" He yelled. But it looked like he regretted it and Sam was shocked.

"You know what?! I've been fine without you for the past 21 years; I can deal without you for the rest of my life. You're not my brother! And I don't ever wanna see you ever again!!" I yell and run into my room.

He is such a jerk! I feel something wet fall on my hands and realize that I'm crying. I hate crying. I continue to cry until I hear a Whoosh sound. By now I already know that that means Castiel is here.

"Ella why are you so sad?" Cas asks.

"'s just, well Dean brought up my mom." I said.

"Her death still saddens you? He asks.

"It hasn't even been a month yet Cas, of course I'm still hurting." I say.

Cas looks at me and put his two fingers on my forhead.

"That is strange, there is no pain." He says, confused.

I couldn't help but laugh. He makes me in a good mood.

"It's not physical pain, its emotional pain." I say.

"Oh, I am sorry. I wish I could heal you of that." He says.

"You already did." I say with a smile.

"What do you mean?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Just by being here you've cheered me up." I say and he smiles.
"Well then I am glad." He says.

"Hey Cas, I've never really had a best friend before...could you be my best friend?" I ask.

"Best friend? I will be whatever you need. But I do not understand the term." He says.

"It's like what we're doing now, you cheer me up, we hang out, you know, best friends." I explain.

"Oh then yes. I am your best friend and you are mine." He says.

For some reason when he said that last part, I blushed.

"I must go. I am sorry. But I shall appear later of just pray to me when you need me best friend." He says and disappears.

I can't stop smiling but then I remember all those things I said to Dean. I'm such a hard head, that I don't even feel bad because I think he deserved it.

But nothing can ruin my night cause...I finally have a best friend.

My confused angel: A Castiel love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant