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This is a bad idea. How can summoning a couple demons and an angel end well like seriously? And this being God’s sister things seems so not real. Like come on.
“Ella, we got a couple demons in the trunk. Now we just have to summon an angel.” Sam says.
“Okay, then summon away Sam.’’ I say, not wanting to do this. Sam rolls his eyes while I sit. Dean started talking to me while Sam summons an angel.
“I wish you could remember that whole God’s sister thing so we could know it’s true.’’ He says.
‘’I know. I wish too.’’ I say.
‘’So how do you summon an angel?’’ I ask.
‘’Sammy just gonna read a bunch of crap and then poof another prick pops up’’ Dean answers.
‘’Um, okay.’’ I say, not knowing how to react to him insulting my …brother’s children?
‘’Why don’t we just summon Castiel?’’ Sam asks.
‘’Cause then he’ll know where Anna is.’’ Dean says, looking guilty.
Wow I feel bad, I completely forgot about Anna…
But why does Dean look guilty?
‘’You know, we should do this later.’’ Dean says.
‘’What? Why?’’ Sam asks, confused just like me.
Dean was about to answer when the doors bust open and Castiel and Uriel walk in.
How’d they know where we were??
‘‘We’re here for Anna.’’ Castiel says in an emotionless voice.
‘’How’d you find me?’’ Anna asks, suddenly popping out.
Cas looks at Dean and we all look at him, betrayed.
‘’Dean…why?’’ Sam asks, shocked.
‘’If he didn’t give me up, they would kill you and Ella. I know how they’re minds work.’’ Anna says.
‘’God…you guys are sick.’’ I say, looking at them.
‘’We do not care what you think you worthless human.’’ Uriel says. I couldn’t help but smirk at that, considering I’m way more important than he is if I’m God’s sister.
‘’Why are you smirking? You find this funny?’’ Uriel asks, getting pissed.
‘’Yeah, actually, I do.’’ I say, getting cocky, which probably isn’t a good idea.
‘’And why is that?’’ he says, walking towards me until Cas stops him.
‘’You know.’’ I say. He looks at me, confused.
When I said that, Castiel’s eyes went wide for a second but returned normal quickly.
‘’Ella, if he doesn’t know, than it probably isn’t true.’’ Sam whispers quietly in my ear.
‘’Or he’s pretending.’’ I whisper back.
‘’I have no patience for you. Anna, come with us.’’ He syas.
I step forward, blocking her.
‘’No, you’re not taking an innocent girl.’’ I say.
Uriel rolls his eyes and raises his hand in front of me and flicks it to the wall. When I don’t move, he grows even more confused. And stupid me, I smirk which makes him mad again and he tries to hit me but I duck just in time. Castiel’s eyes grow wide again and he steps in front of me.
‘’You will not harm her, brother.’’ He says. Uriel laughs.
‘’Why? Because you love the weak pathetic human?’’ he says.
‘’She is not weak. She is not pathetic. And she is definitely not human. So stand down.’’ Cas says.
‘’Oh gosh, it’s true.’’ I whisper. Cas looks at me and nods.
Oh god, if only you could control your angels from trying to kill me. I think in my head.
As soon as I thought that, Uriel disappeared.
‘’No…it couldn’t be.’’ I say.
‘’What?’’ Dean asks, confused.
‘’You wanted him gone, didn’t you?’’ Cas asks. I nod.
‘’what the hell is going on?’’ Dean asks.
‘’It is either god made Uriel disappear or Ella did.’’ Cas says.
‘’So God’s sister huh?’’ dean says.
‘’Do not tell anyone. Especially not the demons.’’ Cas says.
‘’Why?’’ Sam asks.
‘’Because they will take her and make her open Lucifer’s cage.’’ Cas says.
‘’Can I do that?’’ I ask.
‘’I don’t know. You and God are equally powerful. He made the cage, you possibly might be able to open it.’’ Cas explains.
‘’So…get rid of the ones in the trunk then…’’ I say.
‘’Well I need to get Anna back to—‘’ Cas starts but is interrupted by a white light so bright everyone closed their eyes, expect me. When the light was gone, my brothers looked at me.
‘’I didn’t do it! I swear!’’ I say.
‘’No, she didn’t, I did.’’ Anna says.
‘’Did you kill him?!’’ I say with rage in my voice.
‘’No, I only sent him back to heaven.’’ She explains.
‘’Okay good, well then we have to go, they’ll send more angels after you.’’ Sam says.
I get a sudden headache and stop. I get a vision of a teenager, a guy, blonde and blue eyes. I see him beside…Sam? They’re arguing and then I see Cas…exploding in to pieces.
I scream and kneel down grabbing my head.
‘’Ella! What’s wrong?!’’ I hear Dean ask.
I can’t answer; I’m in so much pain.
I see me and the teenager hugging…in Bobby’s house?
And then all of a sudden, the pain is gone. I get up shakily and see I’m in the impala, in the back seat with everyone staring at me, scared, expect for Dean, who’s driving.
‘’Is she okay?!’’ Dean asks.
‘’I’m…I’m fine.’’ I say.
‘’No you’re not.’’ Anna says.
‘’What do you mean?’’ I ask.
‘’You better take all your anger out soon, you’re powers are getting impatient.’’ She says.
‘’Impatient?’’ Sam asks.
‘’Her body will keep being in pain until she does.’’ Anna says.
‘’Well, what if I never do?’’ I ask.
‘’I doubt that, but if you don’t…’’ she starts.
‘’What?’’ Dean asks.
‘’Her body will be in so much pain that she’ll die.’’ She says.
‘’But she’s God’s sister, she can’t die.’’ Sam says.
‘’She won’t die. Her emotions and humanity will…’’ 

A/N: Sorry if it sucks, I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm so sorry! My writing skills on this story are a little rusty.

My confused angel: A Castiel love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant