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I wake up for what seems like the millionth time. Except this time, I’m in a room at a motel…I think? Smells like a motel so I probably am at one. I hope Gabriel didn’t zap me in the middle of nowhere. I still can’t get it out of my mind…God’s sister. I don’t think I believe him, I mean if I was god’s sister I wouldn’t be so helpless. I mean I’m really good at hunting. Could this mean that I’m powerful? Gabriel said that I would know my powers when I snap. Well my family has been in danger a lot and why didn’t I snap when my mom was killed? Maybe it’s because I didn’t know and now that I do, I’ll be able to snap but I know that I have to tell my brothers. Well, my technical brothers. I sigh and step outside the motel. I instantly recognized this place; it’s about a 20 minute walk away from Bobby’s. so I do the only thing I can, I walk.

After an annoying 20 minutes, I finally arrive at Bobby’s front porch. I debate on knocking or not. I decide to knock just to shock them. A few seconds after I knock, I see Sam open the door. As soon as he sees me, he bear hugs me. Of course I hug back. I really need to tell them. I know Sam will understand, but Dean? He hates the angels, so imagine him finding out I’m god’s sister. It’s not going to go well. After Sam finally released me, Dean Walks up to the door and sees me, and repeats the bear hug. I finally enter the house and I’m instantly shot at with a million questions.
‘’Guys calm down!’’ I say.
‘’Well, what happen??’’ Dean asks.
‘’Guys, you might want to sit down for this.’’ I say nervously. They both sit down, worried.
‘’What’s going on?’’ Sam asks.
‘’Okay well I was taken by Ga—an angel and I was shown the truth about why I’m so special and stuff. Okay here it goes…’’ I explain every single thing to them except the Gabriel and Castiel part. I don’t mention Gabriel because I remember he didn’t want anyone to know about him. I look at both of them and see that they look stunned.
‘’God…god’s sister?!’’ Dean says. I nod.
‘’Wow.’’ Sam says, still shocked.
‘’But…you’re our sister.’’ Dean pouts with a hint of jealousy that makes me chuckle.
‘’You made Lucifer…oh huh.’’ Sam says.
‘’I don’t remember it, but yeah I did.’’ I say, sad.
‘’Oh all the angels to make, you had to make Lucifer huh Ella.’’ Dean says.
‘’Well sheesh, sorry.’’ I say.
‘’So as that angel said, he was a momma’s boy to you? Then he would never hurt you right?’’ Sam asks.
‘’Uh well I guess not, but it’s been forever.’’ I say.
‘’Two most powerful people or things on earth and one of them is right in front of us.’’ Dean says.
‘’Wait! That means the angels won’t mess with you either, I’m guessing.’’ Sam says.
‘’You are guessing a lot of things but remember you know as much as I do right now.’’ I say.
‘’Well then let’s test it out.’’ Dean says.
‘’What do you mean, test it out? ‘’ I ask.
‘’Let’s summon an angel and maybe a demon and see if they’ll mess with you.’’ He says.
‘’Why a demon?’’ I ask, confused.
‘’Because, if they know that you’re Lucifer’s mom or creator or whatever I doubt they’d hurt you. And if a demon did hurt you and Lucifer found out later on, if he ever get's out, he would be pissed.’’ Dean says.
‘’Okay, that makes sense…I think.’’ I say.
‘’Okay good. Let’s go summon us some demons and an angel.’’ Dean says.

I have a very bad feeling about this.

My confused angel: A Castiel love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant