Chapter 1| I Like Baby Talk

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Chapter 1| I Like Baby Talk

Kate woke up to the smell of coffee and almost ready breakfast. She loved waking up to the smell of both of them. It made her smile and stomach tingle.

She swung one leg over the bed, her feet touching the cold hardwood floor, and padded over to put on her white fluffy robe. After putting it on, she quickly put her hair up in a messy bun and left the bedroom, heading towards the kitchen.

He greeted her with a smile, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning," she smiled at him and sat down across from him on one of the bar stools.

"You hungry?" he asked, holding up the spatula that held pieces of egg on it.

"A little bit," she answered and shrugged, getting up and getting herself her usual morning cup of coffee.

She felt hands around her waist as she poured the hot liquid into her mug. "You know, you're not supposed to drink coffee while pregnant," he said into her ear, his hands roaming along her little tiny, barely there, baby bump.

"Hmm, there's where you're wrong," she turned around in his arms. "I looked it up. They say you can have your normal morning cup of coffee but you should watch it after."

"Oh, really?" his brows raised.

"Mhmm," she nodded. They shared a smile before he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

"Castle," she broke away. "your eggs are burning."

"Oh, shit," he muttered before turning around and shutting off the burner. She quietly laughed, grabbed her mug and sat back down where she was before. "You on call today?"

"Sadly, yes," she responded with a sigh. It's not that Kate hated work, she just didn't want to go in today. She would rather spend the day with her husband and the soon-to-be father of their child.

"Well, let's hope for the best," he smiled and grabbed some plates and silverware then fixed a plate for her. He set it down in front of her and made his way around the counter to sit down next to her.

"So, whatcha wanna do today?" Kate asked, putting her fork full of eggs into her mouth.

"I don't know, really, I had nothing planned. What do you wanna do?" Castle took a sip of his coffee.

"I dunno. We could go see a movie," she suggested.

"Oh, yeah, I really wanna see that one movie with the big giant pac-man that eats people and then they die," Castle explained excitedly.

"Pixels? Really? That's for little kids. I wanna see Paper Towns, I've read the book and it's amazing." she took another bite of her eggs.

"It's about two teens falling in love, isn't it?" She nodded and he continued. "Boring, I just don't wanna see a romance movie right now."

She sighed, "Fine."

They finished their breakfast and started on the dishes. Kate washed and Castle dried, still taking about movies.

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