Chapter 7|Insider

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Previously on 'I'll Never Be Safe'

"Well yeah, doesn't mean that stupid bitch Kate Beckett had to kill her," Namein looked at the huge mirror behind the boys.

"How would you know it was her that did it?" Ryan asked.

Namein smirked, "Sorry, that's classified."


Namein sat back and crossed his arms with a smirk on his face. "I'd like a lawyer, if you guys don't mind."

Ryan and Espo shared a look and stood up and left. Castle and Beckett came out of the other room and all of them walked into the bullpen.

"Well, shit," Ryan muttered under his breath.

"Just what we needed," Kate said and leaned back against her desk with her arms folded. She looked back up at the murder board and began to analyze what they had so far.

"I think we need to start with how he would have found out about Beckett," Espo started. 

"How? We kept that out of the news and the only people who went into that room was us and S.W.A.T.," Ryan said. 

"There could have been cameras in that room and Namein was watching the whole time because Nieman wanted to show him how to do her type of things without him being seen or known," Castle said back.

"Yeah, but CSU searched the room and didn't see any cameras or anything like that," Espo jumped in.

There was a slight pause before Kate stood up and walked around to her computer. "What if there was an insider? Someone on S.W.A.T. that was there that night and later told Namein what he saw," Kate wondered.

Kate searched through the police database for any signs of an insider. "You guys look more into Nathan Bjorlin. I feel like he has had some type of anger issue because of what happened in interrogation. I'll cross check any of the S.W.A.T. members with Namein. Hopefully we'll find something from that."

"Will do, boss," Espo said and they all got to work.

The rest of their Tuesday was like this. Cross checking and reading and staring at a computer screen. Ryan and Espo had let Namein go since he had lawyered up and they didn't have anything else on him. They had Tori make sure to keep an eye on him.

Tuesday Afternoon

It was nearing six o' clock in the afternoon when Kate let out a big sigh and leaned back in her chair, stretching her tight muscles from sitting all afternoon.

"Where you guys at?" Kate asked the boys, exhaustion evident in her voice.

"Well, you were right about the anger management. Bjorlin did get in trouble quite a bit in school for talking back to his teachers and such," Espo informed her.

"Yeah, I found some calls he made but it was to a burner so that's kind of a dead end. When he was fresh out of college he called the number a lot and then it slowly died down after he got older and took over Neiman Neurosurgeons," Ryan added.

"Anything on the S.W.A.T members?" Espo asked.

Kate sighed, "No, nothing. Not one of them had anything to do with Namein or Bjorlin. Although, I checked the rest of the team, not just the ones that were one scene, and there are some names that are a little fishy, but I checked them out too and I came up empty."

"This is all just giving me a headache," Castle piped in and rubbed his temples. All three of them turn their heads to him and give him a glare. He looked up and saw saw them glaring at him. "What?"

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