Chapter 2| Will Turner

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Chapter 2| Will Turner

Monday Morning
"Beckett," she answered, sleep obviously in her voice. "Okay, be there in ten." she hung up and groaned.

"Mmm, Beckett, what's wrong?" Castle asked hoarsely.

"We have a case in Queens," she said, slowly getting out of bed.

"It's like four in the morning," he groaned, moving to lay on his back.

"Yeah, well, some people don't know how to make peace with other people." She turned on the light, which got a groan from Castle, and picked out some clothes then made her way into the bathroom.

Castle sighed as he got up. He wiped his eyes free from sleep and stood to get changed. "Kate, I need to pee." He knocked on the door.

"Then, go." He heard from the other side of the door. He opened it, looking at Kate who was already dressed and doing her make-up, and walked over to the toilet.

"Sometimes, I hate this job," he sighed, zipping his pants back up.

"Castle, you don't even work there." She looked at him, eyeliner in hand.

"Well, yeah, I do. I'm just not getting paid," he said coming up behind her.

"You know you don't have to keep coming back."

"Yeah, well, you need help with cases so I don't mind," he said smiling at her. She put down her eyeliner pen and looked at him in the mirror.

"We will be just fine without you. It's just sometimes your wild theories come in handy," Kate admitted.

"Took you long enough to admit that," he murmured as she turned in his arms.

"We're gonna be late," she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Does it look like I care?" he scoffed. She leaned up and quickly placed her lips on his.

"Mm, you should, since, you know, you work there," she smirked and walked out of his grasp.

"Hah hah, real funny," he said sarcastically, following her out the door.
"So, what have we got?" Kate asked the boys twenty minutes later.

"Well, white male, gunshot to the head execution style. No I.D., no wallet, no nothing except for this," Espo explained holding up a silver key.

"A key? Do we know what it's for?" Castle asked curiously.

"That's an odd looking key," Kate grabbed the key and examined it. "Get it back to the precinct and wipe it for prints. Also, canvas the area, someone had to see something or know this person."

"Will do boss," Espo said.

"Will Turner was the who called it in. He found the vic while taking his two labs for a walk. One dog ran off from Turner's hand and into this alleyway. The dog found some food near that dumpster. Turner went to get back his dog and found the vic," Ryan explained.

"Walking your dog at three in the morning?" Castle questioned, looking over at Turner. He looked like a rag doll. Old dirty clothes. Long hair that went down to his shoulders. He looked homeless.

"Yeah, I don't get that either. Once I get back to the precinct, I'm going to look into that," Ryan informed them.

"Alright, thanks boys. Finish canvassing. I'm going to talk to Lanie," Kate made her way over to the body, Castle following her. Just as she was about to ask Lanie about the vic, Kate felt her breakfast come up.

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