Chapter 3|You're Supposed To Push The Button

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Chapter 3|You're Supposed To Push The Button

"Hey, Lanie," Kate greeted as her and Castle entered the morgue.

"Hey, girlie. Garbage can is over there," Lanie teased and Kate rolled her eyes. Kate sighed and stood next to the vic.

"Did you find anything new on our vic?"

"Uh, yeah, I ran his prints. His name is Bradley Bruchac. He's been missing for two years. That's all I got out from the name. The rest is your job. I'm still waiting for ballistics, they should be here by tomorrow," Lanie informed them.

"Okay, what about these bruises on his body." Kate eyed the green, yellowish bruising.

"Well, as you can tell by the color, they are a couple of days old. But the bruising on the wrists and ankles are not. Those are fairly fresh. He also has had a lot of broken bones and some scars too." Lanie pulled back the blanket to show the two.

"What the hell happened to this guy?" Kate asked.

"I have no clue, but it definitely wasn't good. That's for sure," Lanie answered, eyeing the couple before her. "So, what happened this morning, Kate?"

Kate looked up from the body to Lanie, then to Castle, then to Lanie again. "Uh, I don't know, must've been something I ate." Which was half true. She did puke up all of her breakfast.

"Mmmhmm, Castle? You have something to tell me?" Lanie interrogated with her 'face'.

This 'face' of Lanie's was pretty popular these days and was really only used on Castle and the boys. She only used it when she knew they were hiding something.

Kate glared up at Castle, telling him not to say a peep with her eyes. "N-no. I-I don't," Castle stuttered.

"Kate?" Lanie turned to her. Yeah, that face definitely didn't work on Kate.

"There's nothing to tell you. Is there anything else that I need to know about our vic?" Kate asked, trying to change the subject.

"No, there isn't." Lanie eyed them as they started to walk towards the doors. "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

They stopped in their tracks, looking at each other then turning to face Houdini.

"Ho-" Castle started but Kate cut him off with a jab to the stomach.

"Oh, please. Castle's face completely gives it away and the fact that you've never in your life time got sick at a crime scene. We've been to more gruesome ones and you were completely fine," Lanie explained with a wide smile on her face.

Kate sighed, "Okay, fine, yes. I'm pregnant. Bu-"

"OHH EMM GEE!!" Lanie practically screamed. "Girl, I'm so proud of you two! I'm going to be an Aunt!" She came around the table to hug Kate. "Ugh, I'm so excited!"

Kate couldn't help but smile and neither could Castle. It was an exciting point in their lives. A turning point and both of them couldn't wait to start a family.

"Um, Lanie, sorry to cut you short but we kinda need to go back to work now," Kate said, trying to push Lanie away from her.

"We definitely need a girls night. And it needs to be soon." Lanie pulled away from the hug.

"Yeah, for sure," Kate smiled. "Oh and please don't tell the boys, yet. We kinda wanted to keep this a secret for a little while but then you happened to be Houdini and guessed."

"What can I say? I'm good at that kind of stuff," Lanie winked.

"Yeah, okay. We'll call you if we need you." With that, Kate and Castle walked off towards the elevator.

"Well, that went a lot better than I thought it would go," Castle said beside her.

"Ehh, I thought it'd be a lot worse," Kate shrugged. The door slid open and they walk in.

"You aren't upset about her finding out?" Castle asked.

"A little bit, but I knew she would get it out of one of us sooner or later. I guess that happened to be you," she teased.

"Hey, that's definitely not my fault. I'm pretty sure I look the same as I did before we found out."

She turned to him. After examining his eyes, she spoke, "Actually, I think you can tell something is up. You have a little light of happiness in your eyes."

"Don't I look like that all the time?" he asked.

"No, this is different. This is like the happiness of finding out you're going to be a father."

He stepped closer, "Well maybe because I am. And I can thank my beautiful wife for that."

"Actually, you can thank yourself because you're the one who put y-"

"Okay, okay, I know how it works. No need to remind me, babe."

She stepped even closer to him so their chests were touching. "Hmm, I like that. Babe. Has a nice ring to it."

"I've always called you babe," he stated with a smile.

"Yeah, I know. But now it's hotter," she smiled and reached up to place her lips on his. Both of them started to move their mouths and tongues, getting so lost in each other.

"Umm, babe, I don't know if you noticed. We aren't moving," he tried to say in between kisses.

She pulled away and looked at him, "What?"

"Neither of us pushed the button for the fourth floor." She snapped her gaze over to the buttons.

"What the hell? Castle? You're supposed to push the button," she said and leaned over to push it.

"What? Why me?"

"Because you always push it."

"What? No I don't," Castle pushed.

"Yeah, you do." Before they knew it the doors opened and they emerged from the elevator to the bullpen.
"Our vic, Bradley Bruchac, was a neurosurgeon who got laid off the day he went missing. He doesn't have any next of kin or a girlfriend," Ryan slapped his picture up on the murder board.

"Yeah, I looked into his financials and everything was taken out of bank accounts and closed down the day he went missing," Espo said.

"I looked into the missing case file too. Bruchac was at home at the time and no one had seen or heard anything," Ryan informed them.

Kate scrunched her brows together and thought. They all were looking at the murder board for awhile before anyone of them spoke.

"Okay, you two go talk to the boss or whoever fired him. Castle and I will stay here and dig some more," Kate ordered and the boys left.

"How come they're going and not us?" Castle asked.

"Because we," she spun around and grabbed her jacket, "are going to go get something to eat."

"Aww, like a little lunch date? Cute," he smirked.

"Shut up," she rolled her eyes and they left.
{1158 words}

A/N: yeah, I know this is a shorter chapter but this is a good place to end it anyways. next chapter will be interesting though *laughs evilly*

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