Chapter 4|Nieman Neurosurgeons

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Chapter 4|Nieman Neurosurgeons

Monday Afternoon
"Hi, we're with the NYPD. Can we talk to whoever is in charge?" Espo asked the front desk lady.

"Yes, you may," the lady smiled and picked up the phone. "There's some people down here that would like to talk to you," she said into the phone. "Alright, will do."

She hung up the phone and told the guys where to go. They started to walk down the hall to where they came across a doctor's office.

"Ah, you must be the 'some people' my assistant was talking about," the man looked up from his computer and smiled.

"Yeah, we're with the NYPD. I'm Detective Esposito and this is Detective Ryan," Espo introduced them. The doctor stood up to go introduce himself.

"Okay, I'm Doctor Kerry Namien," Namein stretched out his arm to both detectives and shook their hands. "What can I help you with?"

"We need to ask you a couple questions about Bradley Bruchac," Ryan started.

"Yeah, sure. Here, sit down," Namein gestured to the chairs that sat in front of his desk as he went around to sit in his own chair.

"So, you remember Bradley?" Espo asked.

"Yes, I do. I had to let him go, sadly."

"How come?" Ryan asked.

"He wasn't doing very good. He was getting sick. I'm not sure what with, but everyday he would come in weaker and weaker. After I let him go, he never talked to me again. He even forgot all of his stuff here," Namein explained as Ryan wrote this down in his little notepad.

"Did you know he had been missing for two years?" Espo asked.

"Yes, I have. I saw it on the news awhile back."

"Did Bradley have any problems with other co-workers? Any hate towards one another?" Ryan asked.

"No. Everyone loved him here. We all just hated seeing him that sick. I called a huge meeting with some of the other doctors and they all agreed with him being gone."

"So, this sickness. You said you didn't know, but did anyone else? Was he close with anyone here?" Ryan asked again.

"Um, I'm not sure. I only see him in the surgery room or in meetings so I wouldn't know. I would ask around," Namein smiled.

"One more question, how did you know he was sick? What were the symptoms?" Espo asked.

"He was getting skinnier, eating less. He was shaking a lot. He was also puking almost everyday."

Espo and Ryan shared a look and get up from their chairs. "Thank you Doctor Na- nam-"

"It's name-, and then -in," the doctor laughed.

"Namein. Well, thank you. If you have any questions please give us a call. Also, we'll be in touch," Espo shook his hand, Ryan too, and gave him his card.

"Yeah, of course. If you don't mind me asking, what was this about? Did you find Bradley?" Namein asked.

"He was murdered early this morning," Ryan told him and the doctor's face fell.

"Oh my God, that's horrible! I will be happy to help you in anyway," he said.

"Thank you," Ryan gave him a nod and headed out of his office.

"Namein? What the hell kinda name is that?" Espo asked once they were out of the building.

"I have no clue. A stupid one that's for sure," Ryan scoffed.

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