Chapter 5|McKenzie Flemmons

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Previously on 'I'll never be safe'...

"Let's go home then.  Would you like to join me in a relaxing bubble bath with some Advil?"  Just as she opened her mouth, he cut her off. "Shoot, can you have Advil  when you're pregnant?"

She snapped her head up to glare at him for being so loud.

"Wait, Beckett, you're pregnant?"

Chapter 5|McKenzie Flemmons

Monday Afternoon
She closed her eyes and opened them after a second. Talking a deep breath so she would calm down. Right this very moment, she wishes they weren't at the precinct so she could punch him. Hard. And square in the jaw.

She turned around slowly to see both of the boys standing there, brows scrunched together. She gave them a fake smile and nodded.

"Uh, yeah, I am," she confirmed.

"Congratulations, you two!" Espo said and came in to hug her and gave Castle a smirk and shook his hand. Ryan doing the same thing.

"When did you find out?" Ryan asked.

"Saturday," she smiled. A real smile this time.

"Does anyone else know?" he asked.

"No, just you guys and Lanie. So could you keep it on the down low, please?" she begged.

"Of course, Chica," Espo smiled at them both.

"We're going to head out now. See you tomorrow," Kate grabbed her bag and started for the elevator, Castle in tow.

"I'm sorry," he winced as they entered the elevator.

She gave him her signature glare and said nothing.

"I didn't expect them to hear me," he turned so he was facing forward.

"Well they did, so," she trailed off. Anger evident in her voice. From the corner of her eye, she saw him drop his head in shame. "It's fine, Castle. Now we don't have to be careful whenever we talk about it."

"So you're okay with them knowing?" he asked, concerned.

"They were going to find out sooner or later. Guess it was sooner than we expected." The elevator doors opened and they walked out. She got in the drivers seat of her car while he got in on the passengers side and she drove them back home.

Tuesday Morning
The whole night Kate could not stop thinking about this Namein guy.

What if Dr. Namein was Tyson and Nieman's son? Although it didn't make any sense. She would've heard about a son. It would've been in Tyson and Nieman's case files.

But not if they didn't want her and the precinct to know.

Tyson and Nieman were sneaky. They were smart. Really smart actually. Kate doesn't know how they could've kept their son a secret but she's going to find out.

"So, I was thinking about this whole Dr. Namein thing, a-" Kate started as she was looking at the murder board with the boys, but was cut off.

"Dr. Namein is Tyson and Nieman's son," Castle finished for her and she jerked her head his way.

How'd he know? She didn't even talk to him about it.

Kate gave him a look, "You talk in your sleep," he smirked and continued. "Anyways, if you think about it- Namein. That's Nieman backwards. And Kerry? It's a mix between Jerry and Kelly. It's obvious there's some relation."

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