Chapter 6|Sorry, That's Classified

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Chapter 6|Sorry, That's Classified

Tuesday Afternoon
"So looking into those emails Flemmons was telling us about, there are none," Espo called over.

"Figured as much," Kate huffed. "Yeah, looking at their text messages, looks like they've been a thing for awhile. Some texts were all lovey dovey and some were of them fighting over patients. Your normal couples text messages."

"Found something," Ryan said, eyes on his computer screen. "I was looking into who Namein was before and had Tori do some facial recognition from the security cameras a few years ago, and his name was Nathan Bjorlin."

"Huh, he must've visited his mother quite a lot then," Castle concluded.

"Yeah, almost everyday," Ryan said.

"Okay, so Nathan Bjorlin. Why'd he change the name?" Kate asked.

"Who knows, should we bring him in?" Espo asked.

"Yeah, bring him in. We should also check his house. See what he's hiding there," Kate told them. Espo and Ryan nodded and got back to work.

"So, Flemmons and Namein are a couple. Bruchac wanted out of their little scheme. They poison Bruchac so he gets so sick he can't work anymore. Namein fires him and then he goes missing. Flemmons and Namein kidnap him and torture him for a whole two years. Flemmons buys a gun two weeks in advance, most likely tells Namein about it. Two weeks later, Bruchac is found in an alleyway with a gunshot to his head," Castle said to Kate and started to process what could've actually happened.

"But why wait two years to kill him? If he wanted out and was going to tell someone about it, why wouldn't they poison him until he dies from 'sickness'?" Kate asked.

"Maybe he had something that they needed and didn't want to tell them until right before he died. They slowly tortured him until he said something."

"What do you think he had?"

"I don't know. Maybe something to expose Namein and Flemmons? A video? I have no clue," Castle shrugged.

"Wow, Castle, everything you're saying right now makes sense. I'm surprised I haven't heard a crazy theory from you yet. Are you alright?" Kate smiled, lifting her hand up to feel his forehead for a fever.

"Hah, hah," he mocked and rolled his eyes. "I'm just really interested in this case."

"Oh really? Me too." He smiled at her. "So, let's get to work."

"Will do boss," Castle smirked as she glared at him.

"Hey, Beckett," Espo said. Both Castle and Beckett's head turned towards him. "Ford's bring up Namein right now."

Kate nodded and got up from her desk. "You two take the interrogation," she told them.

Ryan and Espo shared a look. "Are you okay?" Ryan asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. If Namein is like his parents, there's no way they didn't tell their son about me. He'll know what I look like and if he finds out I'm working the case, he might do something."

"Wow, good thinking," Espo said.

"I never thought about that," Ryan added.

She nodded and walked into the observation room with Castle behind her.

"Hey, are you actually okay? You just turned down an interrogation," Castle asked surprised.

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