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I looked up at John Watson as he was standing on the top of the building with a man that I hated the most, Moriarty. I saw the two arguing on top of the roof and I ran out to look at them. John nodded and turned to me. I answered the phone and heard John start crying. He cleared his throat and touched his mouth. "Sherlock I have to do this."

"John what are you doing?"

"Sh just listen to me. This is for you. You are being hunted, and I know who they are. One of them is..."

"Is who?" I saw that tears were streaming down John's face. "John who is hunting me?"

"Moriarty." I watched as Moriarty grabbed out a gun and shot John in the head. He fell onto the roof. I ran over to the building. The door was lock, I ran to the other door and it was locked as well. I started to climb the escape ladder to the roof. I reached the roof and stood there looking at him. I walked over to him and fell to my knees. There was so much blood I couldn't make out his face. The medical team ran up the stairs and ran over to me. The nurses pulled at me trying to stop me from touching him. I pushed at them trying to reach him.

"He's my friend." I grabbed his arm, trying to feel a pulse. Nothing I couldn't feel anything. I fell onto my knees and started to cry. I touched my mouth and continued to cry. The Nurses around me tried to calm me down. I looked up and saw that Moriarty was laughing hard. He laughed and walked away. Through the tears I saw the paramedics walk over to us, they picked him up and walk him to the stairs. I ran after them and when we got to the door they turned to me.

"I'm sorry Sherlock, but John is gone. There is nothing we can do." I nodded and continued to cry. One of the nurses helped me into a chair. I put my head into my hands and continued to cry.

3 weeks later was the funeral. I stood next to Mary Watson, who was very pregnant. She continued to cry and I wrapped my arm around her. She started to weep into my shoulder. "Mary it's going to be alright, I will kill Moriarty."

"I will help you kill Moriarty."

"No he's going to be protected right now we just wait." She nodded and I took her back to her house. I made sure she was alright before I left. I walked home in the rain and cried.


I ran away and looked behind me. The cops were following me. I sighed and jumped. I got shot in the heal and fell to the floor. "Stay down Ashley your under arrest for assassination of the President of the Untied States of America." I laughed and a helicopter was flying over us. It dropped a rope ladder and I climbed up. I laughed as we soared over the trees. I sighed and took off my mask. I combed through my hair with my fingers and my client laughed.

"Great job Ashley now what do you want to do?"

"I'm done with this, I'm going far away and I will not return. I'm not telling you were I'm going, but I'll be alright." 

"Are you going to tell me what happened with the information?"

"I lost it, Andrew got it before I did." He nodded and flew us back to HQ. We touched down and I walked into the building. I set my gun on the counter and walked over to my desk. I finished filling out my new ID and printed it out. I folded it into my pocket and walked into the medical office. I walked over to my friend.

"Good bye Ash. I'm going to miss you." I hugged him. 

"I'm going to miss you you."

"There done." I nodded and walked up to the HQ roof. I climbed into the helicopter and the driver looked at me. I took the controls and blind folded him.

"Where to next Ms. Ashley?"

"I'd have to kill you if I told you." I laughed and we flew to London.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now