3 1/2 years later

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"Mommy is daddy back?" I looked at Johnny as he jumped up and down the bed.

"No not yet. Alright calm down he'll be here soon." I looked at the recent text Sherlock sent me. During the time he was gone he stayed in touch despite what Mycroft advised. So every night Sherlock would tell stories to the kids so they would sleep. 

The text read. "Be home in 3 hours I love you so much can't wait to see the kids." but that was sent 4 hours ago. I started to pace and John Watson and Mary walked into the living room. I picked up little Marie and I hugged John and Mary. We sat down at the couch and looked at each other as the kids played on the floor. I started to tap my foot onto the ground.

"So when did Sherlock say he was going to be back?"

"I don't know he left me a text 4 hours ago that he would be here in 3, but he hasn't showed up yet and I'm starting to get worried."

"Oh Gen you know how he can be." I nodded and Mary touched my hand. I heard the door at the bottom of the stairs open. I gasped in agitation and it was only Mrs. Hudson. I sighed and slouched back into the chair. I heard a noise down stairs. I stood and she moved out of the way. Sherlock wasn't anywhere to be seen. I sighed and started to cry. Mary wrapped her arms around my shoulder and sighed. Mrs. Hudson shrugged her shoulders. I turned away and looked outside. I saw cabs driving back and forth. I started to cry again when a particular cab pulled up. I saw the door open and a whole bunch of bags came out. I sighed and turned away.

"If anyone needs me I'll be in my room crying." Mary patted my shoulder and I walked into the bedroom. I sighed and tripped over a shoe. I groaned and rubbed my foot. I heard a squeal and then hushing. I sighed and sat on the bed. I put my head into my hands and started to cry again. I heard the door open and through tears I saw Mary smiling at me. "What is it?" She walked over to me and took my hands.

"Focus only on my face alright." I nodded and looked at her short blonde hair, deep blue eyes, red lipstick and her small wrinkles. She led me down the hall and I saw John and Mrs. Hudson hiding something behind their backs. I noticed that the kids had stopped playing and where looking at me. I sighed.

"Tell me this isn't another guess what's behind my back kind of game. Because I'm not in the mood."

"Oh come on Gen play." I sighed and sat in Sherlock's chair.

"Alright. The thing behind your backs has to be tall, black hair, with a curl to it and with light blue eyes. Always wears a suit unless lazy then a bed sheet, the thing has a deep voice and is skinny. He or she also has a spouse judging by the way that you two are standing. The thing or person is a boy and probably a client needing to talk to Sherlock about their missing cat. Well guess what he's not coming back." I stood up and started to turn around. John and Mrs. Hudson moved out of the way and I kept walking.

"Well then you don't get what I brought you back from America." I turned and Sherlock was standing in the doorway smirking at me.

" I turned and Sherlock was standing in the doorway smirking at me

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Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now