Some enemies are back

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I looked at Sherlock as he looked at me in horror. "Sherlock what are we going to do?"

"I don't know we can't let Magnussen know of you."

"If he hasn't already he's going to find out because of the papers and the police reports." he nodded and looked around the hospital. I sighed and the storm worsen. I sighed and took Sherlock's hand. "So who is Magnussen anyway?" Sherlock sighed and started to walk.

"I think this is a family issue." I nodded and we walked to the hospital part. We walked over to John's office. I knocked on the door and John opened it. He smiled at us.

"Just in time I was about break."

"Um John is there a way you can get Mary?" John looked at us confused. "Like now it's like a family emergency." John nodded and walked over to the front desk. He returned with Mary and they looked at us. We walked into the office and John closed the door.

"Sherlock what's this about are the kids alright?"

"Yeah they are for now. John you remember Magnussen don't you?" John looked scared out of his wits. Mary looked terrified at Sherlock.

"Yes, but he's dead I saw you shoot him. You were arrested."

"Yes, but Magnussen is trickier then either of us imagined." I looked at John and he was pale white.

"But he won't come back will he?" Sherlock turned to me and sighed. Mary touched her chest. John wrapped his arm around her comforting her. "How bad is he?"

"Worse then Moriarty he's like a shark ready to feed on unaware people." I sighed and my phone started to ring. I pulled out it and looked at the number. It was an unknown number. I looked at up at Sherlock. Sherlock nodded and I slid to swipe it to unlock. I put it on speaker for everyone to hear.


"Hello Ashley, Sherlock Did you miss me?"

"Moriarty?" the person began to chuckle.

"If only. Sherlock can already recognize my voice can't he?" I turned to look at Sherlock and he was clear on the other side of the room while staring at the phone in horror.

"Magnussen? What do you want?" Magnussen chuckled and sighed.

"You know Ashley for an assassin your pretty funny. I want to meet on August 31, 1995." I started to feel claustrophobic. I gasped and blinked. "Ashley are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Doesn't that mean anything to you? I got to go, but say hello to Mary, John, and Sherlock will you?" the connection died and the phone slipped from my hand. Sherlock knelt next to me. I continued to stare at the floor in horror.

"Gen are you alright?" he touched my knee and I blinked. "Gen?" he shook my shoulder and I snapped out of it. I turned to look at him. I gasped and grabbed at Sherlock. I rested my head into his chest and continued to shake. "Gen that's what Magnussen does. He pushes people with what he calls 'pressure points.'" I nodded and gasped.

"But how did he know that date though?"

"Why what's so important?" I looked at Mary.

"That's the day the president died. I just don't understand how he got that information. Well I mean the date not really everyone kind of knew about it, but me being the assassin how?"

"He finds anything that would be meaningful and store it away in his Mind Palace." I gulped and Sherlock touched my back.

"So what do you think are my 'Pressure Points'?" Sherlock looked up at John.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now