"The Game is on"

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I looked at the pool and noticed two huge metal boxes. "What you have to do is go down there and grab a box and come back up. Containing in that box is a clue to the next destination." I nodded and turned and looked at Sherlock. He shook his head and the man behind this shoved Sherlock to the ground. 

"Stop! I'll do it." he nodded and pointed to the pool. I turned around and took off my jacket and scarf. I took my shoes off with some difficulty and I breathed in deeply. I touched my stomach and dived into the water.


I watched as Gen swam to the bottom of the pool and I looked at my shirt. It was red with my blood and ripped. The cabbie looked down at me and smiled. He pulled out a timer and started to time her. "No that's cheating you didn't tell her it was timed." I jumped up and ran to the water. I jumped into the water and my blood started to get washed off into the water. I groaned as the bullet wound bled out. I reached Gen and she looked at me. She looked at the boxes. I pointed to the left and she nodded. She put her hands onto it and noticed it was stuck to the bottom of the pool. I looked up at the man through the water. He was smiling and held a button. I looked down at the box and noticed it was a bomb. I pulled Gen away and she looked at me. I pushed her up to the air and her head popped out of the water. I watched as the timer counted down to zero I grabbed the other box and started to swim up to the air. The bomb went off and I felt the water push against me sending me faster up. My head cleared the water and I gasped. I coughed up water and looked at Gen. She was touching her stomach and I put the box onto the edge of the pool. She looked at me and I swam over to her. She looked ill and I put her head against my chest. I reached the side of the pool and got out. I pulled Gen up out of the pool and she was shivering. I looked up at the cabbie and he smiled and pointed the gun at us. 

"Very good now get him out of here." the man that dragged me in here grabbed my arms. Gen slid off of me and looked up at me from the ground. She tried to reach out to me as the man continued to drag me away. I struggled against him to let me go.


"Don't worry Ashley will be fine if she can get you in time." They continue to drag me away. I watched as she continued to lay on the tile. They pulled me back into the dressing room and put the bag onto my head.


I sat up and looked around. Sherlock was gone and so was the cabbie. I groaned and looked at the metal box. I opened it and out slid a paper. I looked at it and tears were coming down my cheeks. "You Bastard!" I screamed. I fell to the ground and started to cry again. I looked at the note and stood up. I stumbled out of the pool and looked up at the dark sky. I stumbled along the road shivering the entire way back. I made it to a main road and continued to walk. I made it home and collapsed at the bottom of the stairs. Mrs. Hudson walked over to me. 

"Gen?" I looked up at her and she was getting really old she was probably in her 70's and she looked great. "Are you alright, love?"

"Sherlock is taken and he's injured and I don't know where he is. I'm having hypothermia and I'm just sick with these kids I'm just done with everything with the people, the crimes, the constant nagging from his boredom." she touched my head.

"Gen I'm going to make a pot of tea come with me." I nodded and she helped me to her room. I sat down at her table and she grabbed her blanket. She wrapped it around me and started to make a cup of tea. I shivered and looked at the note. "What is that?"

"It's the clue to the next destination of where Sherlock will be." she nodded and handed me a cup. "Oh I can't drink tea well because of the twins." she nodded and smiled.

"It's herbal your okay." I nodded and wrapped my freezing hands around the cup. Mrs. Hudson looked at the note. "Gen what does this mean?" I looked at the note.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now