Getting the final blow

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I sat up and looked around the small cell. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a bandage on the front of my head and I touched it. I winched at the slight head ache and looked around. The door opened and Sherlock poked his head through the door. I smiled at him and he walked in. He walked over to me and he hugged me. I buried my head into his chest and sighed. "Sherlock did I hurt anyone?"

"No your going to be alright. Mycroft is going to let you go tomorrow." I pulled back and looked at him. He had black circles underneath his eyes like he hasn't slept for days on end.

"Sherlock are you alright? You seem tired."

"No I could say the same to you. Your covered in bruises and scars." I looked at him and looked at his arm.

"What did you do to your wrist?"

"Oh one of Magnussen's guards twisted my wrist so it broke." I nodded and touched his cheek. "Gen listen." he sighed and sat down. He groaned and rubbed his face. "Magnussen killed the queen."

"What how did he get to her? She is the most protected person in London." he nodded and sighed again.

"I examined her body and it was her. You looked at the dagger that killed Moriarty right? Well it was the same one that was buried in the queen's side." I nodded and he leaned back. I laid back and sighed.

"That's it. Sherlock tomorrow we are going to set up a trap for Magnussen."


"Live Bait." I smiled at him and Greg ran into the room.

"Hello Gen. Sherlock we need you now." I stood up and followed after Lestrade and Sherlock. We ran through the police station. I ran out and saw that there was a helicopter in the air.

"Welcome back Ashley I was starting to miss you."

"What do you want Magnussen?" I asked him as the light hit my eyes.

"You of course. Mycroft did promise me you so I'm going to get you back."

"I don't think so!"

"Fine you asked for it." the sides opened and guards pulled out sniper guns. They all pointed at Sherlock and Lestrade. I raised my hands and I turned to Sherlock.

"Magnussen do you think I could have a few minutes with my husband before you take me away?"

"Sure." I lowered my hands and walked over to him. I hugged Sherlock and he gripped onto me tightly.

"I can't breathe."

"Oh sorry." he loosen his grip and I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Do you still have that vial of poison on you?"

"Yeah why?"

"I think I found our bait."

"Gen it's to dangerous you'll be put in jail." he said as I pulled away. I smiled sadly at him.

"It's worth not having his hands on our family anymore." he nodded and I pulled away. He pulled out a tiny vial out of his jacket. I took it in my hands and undid the top button of my shirt. I stuck the vial in my bra and buttoned it back up.

"Ashley we have to go what were you doing?" I turned back and pointed at my lips. He nodded and a rope ladder dropped.

"Bye sweetheart." Sherlock took my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled sadly at me.

"Be safe." I nodded and walked over to the helicopter. I grabbed onto the ladder and started to climb. I reached the top and climbed in. We flew away back to Appledore.

Sherlock's Match: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now