chapter 6

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In the mud, I see tracks I don't recognize, someone I don't know. I follow them because I can't see the light anymore, whoever it is must have noticed me. They run parallel to the path in the meadow. They stop abruptly I decided that the person must have crossed the district boarder, and escaped. I hear Peeta calling out my name. I turn around and start to head back to the trees, but a muscular figure steps out from the darkness, and slams into me. 

"Who are you" a gruff voice inquires

"Who wants to know" I reply

The intruder grabs my arm and twists. My face contorts  with pain and I cry out as I struggle to break free.

"Miss Everdeen,  If I were you I would stop trying to escape because we both know that I am stronger than you and can hurt you so much more."

I know that voice, I've heard it before, but I can't quite place it.

"My name isn't Everdeen any more. Its Mellark." I squeak

He twists my arm even tighter.

"Same difference. I don't care, My employer was quite specific with their instructions. I'm not to kill you...yet"

I am in so much pain right now, even in the darkness I see black spots covering my eyes.

"PEETA! PEETA!" I scream

The man shoves his fist in my mouth. 

"Are you done girl, or do I need to prove my point even more?"

I quit struggling, and I hear distant thrashing and Peeta's uncontrollable swearing.

"My employer is very intrigued by you Miss Everdee- I mean Mellark, but know one thing. You are going to loose everything, just like they did, and they are going to make you pay. " He removes his fist.

" and you are not to repeat anything I have said to you. If you do I may not be able to control my thirst for blood. Understand?"

"Ye-yess" I choke, clutching my throat. 

He releases my arm, which I am sure now that it is broken, and runs off. I collapse to the ground, and black out, from the intense pain. I get out Peeta's name once, twice, maybe three times and I think I hear him but I'm not sure. I must have passed out, because the next time I open my eyes, I'm laying in my bed at home with Peeta's arms wrapped around me. I sigh and fall back asleep, dreading the moment when it came time to tell him what happened.

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