Hunger Games #4 Chapter 2

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I gasp, how dare he come here! How dare he show his face. Instinctively I call for Peeta. I know it will only make things worse, but the words were already out of my mouth. Gale was approaching my porch steps as Peeta appeared in the doorway. He looks at me with his eyes full of concern. I slightly nudge my head towards the man on the walkway. He gets the gesture an wraps his arms around me protectively.

         "I don't bite Catnip" Gale says

      I nestle into Peeta's shoulder not wanting to face the reality that he's here. Gale's here. Peeta reacts first.

                " Why are you here?" He says.

            Gale's face shows no sign of emotion.

"Just tell him to go away and back to where he belongs...if he has anywhere to go." I whisper

watching as Gale stares at me in Peeta's arms.

"Ah, bread boy, long time no see. I actually came here to talk to her" he says nodding in my direction."So why don't you go ice a cake or something"

Peeta's hands ball into fists and he tenses. 

"Just tell him to leave and we can get on with our lives" I whisper into his ear. As i stand on my toes and kiss his angry lips.

"Okay" he mutters

"Well, as it so happens she doesn't want to speak with you, and my wife and I do not appreciate you just showing up like this. So if you wouldn't mind..." He doen't get to finish.

"Wait a second, Wife" Gale says

I see hatred and remorse return to the eyes i used to love.

"Yeah, I'm Katniss Mellark now, Mr. Hawthorn and I would appreciate being called so." I inform him

"I thought you chose me"

"That was before you bombed innocent civilians and children in the capitol, that was before you KILLED MY SISTER! Who loved you, who helped my mother when you were whipped to a bloody pulp." I say panting. How could he expect ,me to love him after all of that. How could I love someone as violent and vengeful as him. "I've put the past behind me, and think you should do the same Gale. You can start by leaving" I drop myself onto the porch steps and Peeta wraps his arms around me like my mother used to do when I would come home from hunting with my father with two scraped knees. He shoots Gale a dirty look. 

"Leave...Now....before i call Haymitch, and trust me you don't want to mess with him."

Silence.... Gale stares at Peeta's embrace around me. He sighs, shakes his head and trots off into the woods.


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