Chapter 9

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"Hey Sweetheart" Haymitch says a little too enthusiastically.

I stare at the girl.

Haymitch loudly slumps his coffee and takes a bite out of a cheese bun.

" Sweetheart, don't run off just yet. You remember Evelyn? She won the first Capitol games, you know the one you voted yes for...." he says

Peeta broke my silence

"Katniss and I have to go somewhere, we came to get the kids, but we aren't supposed to bring them. Do you think you can stay sober enough to watch them?" Peeta inquires

Haymitch grunts a yes. And Peeta pulls on my arm, I yell on my way out the door " WATCH THE KIDS!"

We board the train and I go to our car to go take a nap. Peeta joins me. He leans over and kisses me.

"Now, now Mr. Mellark" I tease

"No kids! Can't we have a little fun?" He replies

"We really shouldn't" I grin

"But you know you want to" he fires back

I hesitate for a moment as he gives me his cocky grin, tilt my head and lean forward to press my lips to his. My instincts kick in and I roll on top of him

"Easy" he grunts and kisses me back.

As He starts to pull off my clothes, we go through the ruins of the old districts. With that behind us, I press my body to his.

*So what do you guys think so far? Please let me know!!!!!*

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