Chapter 24- Moment of Realization

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Nicole's P.O.V.

I pushed the food cart through the double doors and casually walked down the halls, as if I actually belonged here. 

"Nurse!" I froze and turned to look at the stranger. "I need some help."

"The doctor will be here shortly," I smiled but he couldn't see it because of the cough mask I had. Resuming my walking, I turned down the hall where everyone was supposed to be at. No one was there and gosh that made things much easier. Walking in, I saw Adri lying helplessly there, the heart monitor speaking for her heart.

"Poor little Adri got into a car accident," I said to no one as I took out the needle with poison in it and walked slowly towards her. "You just couldn't stay away from Chase could you? If you look at everything from my perspective, you'd realize how right I am and that I'm only doing this for Chase's own good. You're bad news, bitch," I poked a hole through the the machine that was attached to Adri's vessel and squeezed. 

Adri's eyes shot open and stood up straight, which caused me to panic a bit, but then I realized she couldn't fully walk and right now, I had the upper hand. Her eyes stared at me in fear before her eyes slowly closed and she fell back in a deep and peaceful sleep. "Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. Although soon, they will," I laughed at my own joke and started to walk away. The sound of the heart monitor going in a straight line, being music to my ears.

Chase and George burst the door open along with some doctors and I was drenched in fear. "What the hell did you do, Nicole?!" Chase yelled before running over to Adri. Without waiting any longer, I tried pushing past George, but he blocked the door. I punched him square in the jaw, but he didn't budge.

"You know that moral about a guy never hitting a girl? Yeah well, I consider myself a girl," and he punched me back in the same place I had. My back hit the floor with a loud 'thud' and I groaned in pain. "You're going to where you belong, the cops are on their way." I looked at Chase, his eyes were flooding with tears, but my heart was flooding with hate and venom.


Chase's P.O.V.

"Oh c'mon now, Adri! Please, don't do this to me. Not now that I need you the most. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. If I had come here sooner, you would have been safe. Oh God no, please. Wake up, wake up, do this for the life you deserved. For your family that loves you. Do it for the guy who's out there looking for you, searching for his other half do it for hi-" I choked in my own sobs at my realization. "Do it for me. I need you so fucking badly ." It hurt more than when I saw her on the street. The doctors were trying to kick us out, but we were too stubborn and they were confused as to what was happening around them.

It was a sick and painful way to watch someone who was always there for you, die. Someone who made you laugh when you were about to cry, share each other's secrets and someone who gave you their heart, only for you to blindly step on it, use it and then hand it back without a simple thank you. But the most painful thing to know, is that no matter how many times you selfishly stepped on that heart and used it, they would always hand it back to you with a smile whenever you needed it. Right now, I felt the pain Adri must have felt whenever I turned my back on her for the wrong person.

"She's gone," Nicole laughed in pain from the ground. "Don't bother talking to her now. Look how much of a shitty best friend she got. She's over here, sneaking in and uncovering secrets to protect you from danger. What were you doing?  Loving danger herself. You were loving me. Don't know what you have until you lose it. Well, tell me, Chase: what do you have now?" I swallowed her words because she was right. She was fucking right and we all knew it, even George who was quietly looking at the ground knew it.

"Why, Nicole? Why would you go this far?" My hand was intertwined with Adri's warm hand- soon to be cold, ignoring the doctors who were yelling and pushing. How I wish I had known sooner. How could I have been so blind? All the signs were there for me to see. All the times she cried and looked hurt and pained whenever Nicole and I were together. All those times I pushed her away.

"Because I love you, Chase!" She yelled. I shook my head. "I do! I love you and there couldn't be an obstacle for our love. Don't you love me?"

"No. I don't. I fell for the wrong person and I fell down hard because there wasn't anyone to soften the blow and you know what? I'd fall for Adri even harder if that's what it took for her to come back. I'd fall for her every single day if I had to. Even after the day she dies-" God it hurt to say that. " I'll continue falling for her in payment of all the pain I'd put her through. It's what I least deserve- to want someone, but can't have them because they're gone forever. They slipped through your fingertips from where they were so long and now you'd have to endure the pain- swallow it every single day for the rest of your life. But even then, I know that nothing's going to be enough because a girl like her is impossible to to find and what I did to her, was worst than her death. I had her right under my nose, but by the time I realized it, it was too late."

The cops burst through the door, but I was caught up in my own words. My own and late realization. George was pointing to Nicole and talking to the cops as they arrested her and dragged her away. The faint murmurs of the doctors were behind me. "You don't mean that, Chase! Tell me you don't mean that" She shouted and thrashed around, tears streaming down her face, but I did what I do best. I turned my back.

Just like I had done to Adri all this time.





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