Chapter 1- Under the Stars

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The summer night's breeze felt cool against my hot skin. I felt the soft, bright, green grass under me and everything felt so... surreal. This moment was too perfect to be true, yet I hung on to the feeling tightly, afraid it might slip from my grasp at any moment. The dark, blue sky that held millions of bright, twinkling lights, was so close yet so far, just like the person who was lying next to me. 

I turned my head to the right slowly, taking in all of his features. His flawless face complexion was only a bonus to him. It was those cheekbones that stood out from his slightly, pink cheeks, that perfectly, straight nose that was just above those soft, pink, full lips, that I enjoyed looking at. But what I enjoyed looking at the most, were those captivating, shining, blue eyes. His eyes that I grew up loving so much, put the twinkling stars above us to shame. He was staring up at the sky in deep thought, his breathing so calm, and soothing. I turned to look back up at the sky, afraid he would catch me gazing at him.

"Adri?" Chase called beside me. His deep, silky voice breaking the comfortable silence between us. I hummed in response, my attention still on the sky above.

"I think she's the one..." he said in thought, I could already feel his small smile playing on his lips."I've never felt this way before, she makes me happy everytime she's around. I can't imagine my life without her anymore." My heart churns painfully, shattering into tiny pieces. I feel the moment slip from my hold and slowly fade away, leaving only the memory behind.

"Really?" I ask, hoping my voice wouldn't match the state of my heart... Broken. Defeated. Torn.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh and a small smile I watched form from the corner of my eye. "I think I love her." The stinging in my eyes was harder to ignore by the second. I swallowed the lump in my throat and blinked rapidly, trying to push those unshed tears back, but it was hard. My vision became blurry the more I blinked. Then I felt it. The hot liquid trailing from my left eye, down above my left ear, disappearing into my brown locks.

"Do you think I should tell her I love her?" In this case, I didn't know how to respond. I mean, when your best friend, who you've been crushing on for four years, asks you if he should tell the person he loves that he loves her, what do you say? I don't think I could respond even if I tried. The lump in my throat was only getting bigger and harder to push down.

"Uhh... If that's truly how you feel and you're sure she feels the same way then..." I thankfully sounded composed, but I couldn't continue. I let out a low, shaky, ragged breath.

"Then?..." he pushed as I saw him turn to face me. I prayed he didn't notice the wetness in my eyes and my uneven, quiet breathing.

"Then yeah..." my voice cracked at the end and all I could do was hope he didn't notice.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" he frantically asked as he turned his whole body towards me and started scooting closer to me.



"It's just that it's getting cold and my voice is getting hoarse because of it. Like in the winter time, you know me, I get sick easily."


"Oh, right. C'mon, let's go inside and I'll make you some tea with honey," he said with a smile whilst extending his hand out to help me up. I took it and we made our way inside his house from his backyard. Great, it's not even cold and instead of having something cool, I'll be having tea...

He started boiling some water in a coffee pot and then reached up towards the cabinets and took out a mug.

"On second thought, I feel better now, can I gave a popsicle instead please?" He turned to look at me with a small smile.

"No, if you get sick, then I'll have to take care of you, which results in you getting your germs on me," he said with a playful smile.

"But it's really hot..." I whined.

"No Adri, tomorrow you'll wake up with a cold an-" his phone started ringing, interrupting his lecture that I've heard a thousand times before. He took out his phone from his pocket and smiled as he read the screen. He swiped the screen and answered. Nicole. 

The way his eyes shined and widened as his smile never left his lips, was a dead give-away that it was her. I couldn't stand there listening to how much he missed her and wished she was here, so I made my way through the front door. I heard Chase call my name as I shut the door, but I didn't stop. It would only hurt more if I stayed and watched as that goofy grin of his never left as he talked on the phone and laughed the way I used to make him laugh before. Before her. Before spilling that drink. Before going to that diner. That diner where they met after I spilled the drink on the floor and she cleaned it up. Before her blue-green eyes met his blue ones...

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