Chapter 9- Smoothies and Tears

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"Ready to go?" Chase asked all of us from the driver seat.

"Yes, babe," Nicole replied with a bright smile on the passenger seat and I rolled my eyes.

"Yep," George joined in from beside me. My eyes met Chase's from the rearview mirror and I nodded. The truck was pulled out from the driveway as Nicole fumbled with the radio.

"Oh my God! I love that song," Nicole's annoying voice rang through the truck after she finally picked a station. 'Friday' by Rebecca  Black played and I groaned as Nicole sang along.

"It's not even Friday!" I exclaimed and changed the station. 'Waves' by Mr. Probz played and I smiled. "My face above the water. My feet can't touch the ground, touch the ground-" Nicole changed the station as I sang along.

"It's Friday, Friday! Gonna-" I changed the station and she smiled at me.

"I can see the sands on the horizon everytime you're not ar-" she changed it back to Rebecca.

"Everybody's lookin' forward to the weeke-" I reached to change it again, but Chase beat me to it and turned the radio off. I huffed in my seat and Nicole looked out the window with a smirk.

Fucking bitch.

Minutes later, we arrived at the small shop. It was empty except for a couple sitting on the love booth that was located on the far, right corner of the shop. It was a place reserved for couples to where Chase and I would laugh at how cheesy it was.

"Let's sit in the middle table!" Nicole exclaimed and I walked towards the table near the window and sat down.

"Chase and I don't like the middle tables because we feel like they're for people who don't mind attention," I stated as I looked Nicole straight in the eye. Her eye twitched, but she sat across from me anyways. George slid in next to me and Chase asked what kind of smoothies we wanted.

"Blueberry," Nicole chirped and I mentally winced. How could her simple voice be so annoying and high-pitched?

"Mango," George requested and Chase nodded as he walked towards the counter. "Aren't you going to ask Adri?" He asked and I didn't miss the small smirk on Nicole's lips.

"She wants strawberry- banana with a hint of raspberry," Chase stated without hesitation. Nicole's smirk dropped and she cleared her throat. I smiled at Chase after he gave me a quick wink and left to order the smoothies. An awkward silence was cut off after Chase returned with our orders.

"So, Adri. You and George huh?" Nicole asked and then sipped on her blue smoothie.


"Yes!" George and I responded at the same time. We looked at eachother and I explained.

"We're just getting to know each other," George nodded and Nicole smiled.

"Awww. That's really cute!  Chase and I are pretty serious," she said as she took Chase's hand in hers. My eyes narrowed at the small action, but was interrupted by George, who scooted closer to me. Chase's eyes focused on George, but quickly averted his eyes to Nicole.

 "That's really good!" I exclaimed with fake enthusiasm and Nicole smiled. Chase saw right through me and shot me a glare. I pursed my lips and looked down at my smoothie as I choked down a laugh. Taking the straw in my lips, I began sipping while watching my drink go down slowly.

"We almost hit home yesterday!" She blurted and I did a spit take.

I stared with wide eyes as the pink liquid ran down Nicole's face. We all sat there in shock as a frozen Nicole with mouth agape and hands in front of her, looked down at the smoothie on her shirt. I let out a small cough because some smoothie was still in my windpipe.

"I am so sorry," I rambled and took some of the napkins to wipe Nicole's face. Chase started helping by wiping her shirt with another napkin. Her foundation came off and I tried to rub it back in place, but it only smeared even more. Her mascara started coming off too and it smeared on her cheeks and on my hand. 

"You planned this didn't you?" She asked softly and I met her eyes in shock.

"No! I swear I didn't! Your statement caught me by surprise and I-"

"Stop! Please stop," She spoke and tears welled in her eyes. "I understand you don't like me, but going this far is just... too much," she said as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Nicole, please I didn't mean to I swear! Chase, you believe me don't you? You know I wouldn't do something like this on purpose," I asked Chase who was staring at me with an indescribable look in his eyes.

 "You've been acting up lately, Adri. I don't know what to think anymore," he said without making eye contact. I stood there. Defeated and with a guilty feeling that I didn't understand.

"Fine. Think what you want," I spoke softly yet sternly and walked out of the shop. 

It's not fair that she gets to take him away from me like that. if I wanted to do something to her, spitting a pink drink on her, on accident may I add, would not have been it. A  small hand stopped me and I turned around to see her.

"What now, Nicole? You came here to make me feel guilty for something I did on accident? Mission accomplished. You succeeded already," I said and she smiled.

"I know I did. Did you really think I'm stupid enough not to know that you have feelings for my boyfriend? Puh-lease, Adri. Too bad that all he ever will see you as, is his annoying, little sister," she smirked and I looked at her in shock.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me, bitch. If you ever try to come in between Chase and I, I'll spill your little secret to him. I mean, I practically already have him wrapped around my finger right? Think about it, Adri. Who will he believe, huh? You, an obnoxious, attention whore? Or me, his girlfriend?" She asked with a smug smile and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sure everything between you two won't be the same if I tell him," she sucked in a sharp breath." Wow, so many years of friendship ruined because poor, little, Adri fell in love with her best friend," she mocked and I tear slid down my cheek. "Stay away from him or I'll make you regret ever existing. 

"You're pathetic excuse of a girl, Adrianna. Not even your parents stand you," she spit out and started to cry when Chase and George came out. "But I forgive you!" She exclaimed and hugged me tight-too tight. "Remember what I told you," she harshly whispered in my ear and turned to Chase. "Everything's alright, babe," she told him and ran into his arms as he smiled.

"Good," he breathed out and I wanted nothing more than to rip her out of his arms and sob into his chest. Holding on when so much pain was stored in, made me break down like the pathetic person I was in front of them. I sprinted down the street in hope of a safe place to cry and hopefully, release all the aching in my chest. It was too much to handle. Not even Chase calling after me made me stop because I knew that if I ran back to him, I wouldn't be running back into his arms like I wanted to. I would be running back into the arms that belonged to Nicole.

I would be running back to her.

I would be running back to pain.


**Author's Note**

Oh God guys, I hope you enjoyed that chapter because I enjoyed writing it! I put some of the events that happened to me, into this story/chapter and created some tweeks and turns for you guys! Anyways, Love all of you!


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