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Connor's P.O.V

Today everyone is throwing a huge surprise party for Jude. It was ALL Mariana's idea. It's supposed to cheer Jude up. Mariana cane really early to pick me up, 4 frekin AM EARLY!

Mariana pulls up in front of me, in the same Red porche that Jude did yesterday.

"Hey Connor." Mariana said, as i sat down into the car.

"Hi. I really hope this works cuse' I am so sleep deprived."

Mariana giggled and then started to drive. We arrived at a banquet hall, not too far from the Foster's household 10 minutes later. Lena was already there with Jesus setting up the food table.

"Put this on." She handed me a bottle of blue nail polish.

"Uh.. Okay?" I responded.

"Great! TWIN!!" She screamed.

"What Mariana?" He yelled back, walking up to her.

"Can you hang these decorations up?" she handed him a huge bin filled up with decorations.

Jesus went off with the decorations, when I noticed I was still just standing here so I sat down at a table and started to paint my nails. I heard the door at the front open. And Brandon and Callie came shuffling in. They came to the main room and greeted everyone.

"CALLIE!! BRANDON!! OMG!! YOU GUYS CAME!!!" Mariana ran and hugged them.

Mariana let go and it was Lena's turn. "My Babies!!"

Lena let go and Jesus walked up to them. "I still can't believe you two are dating."

That's when I HAD to jump in. "WAIT! You two are dating?!?!?" 

They both nodded.

"Weird. Jude never mentioned it. I guess it makes sense, since you never got adopted."

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, i pulled it out. It was from Jude.

Jude: Do you have any clue why my mom woke me up at 5am?? Or why Mari and Jesus R missin??

Connor: No clue. But thx 4 wakin me up :-| 

Jude: SRRY. :((

I laughed and put my phone on the table.

"Stef woke Jude up." I announced.

"OKKKAYYY!!! EVERYONE DOUBLE TIME!!" Mariana screamed.

"Coonor, since your done painting your nails, you can help Jesus decorate, Callie you help mom with the food and Brandon-"

"Wait. Callie can't help." Everyone turned to look at Brandon and Callie just put her head down.

"Why not?" Mariana questioned.

"IM SICK." Callie interrupted.

"Uh... okay. Fine I'll help mom, and uh Brandon you keep look out for mama's car."

Something is definitely up with that. Whatever.

In 20 minutes everything was set up and more people started showing up one by one.

A.J, Mike, Maddie, Taylor, Wyatt, Daria, Callie, Brandon, Lena, Jesus,Mariana and me. Quite a party.

"THEY'RE COMING!!!!" Brandon yelled.

"K. Everyone hide!!" Lena yelled.

Everyone hid under tables, behind chairs and against walls. I turned off the lights and then hid under a table with Lena. Then we heard Jude's voice.

"So what-" He flickerd on the light. "SURPRISE!!!!!"

Jude's face was priceless.

Jude's P.O.V

"OH MY GOD!!! Guys! What is all this??" Callie and Brandon wrapped me in a hug and then Mariana did the same.

"Its a going away party for Connor and a cheer up party for you." I hugged mari again "aww thanks, but uh, where is Connor?"

Suddenly, I felt hands on my shoulders "Right here." He laughed.

After about 2 hours everybody started to leave so it was only The Fosters, Connor and Mike.

"This was soo great guys!!" Connor said shoveling another bite of cake into his mouth.

"Yeah. Thanks soo much." I  smiled.

Everyone was sitting around at a table when suddenly Callie jumped up.

"Okay I can't take it anymore!!! I have a secreat."

"What is it love?" Stef asked.

"I'm pregnant."


Callie nodded.

Every cheered and cooed. Even if Connor was leaving tomorrow, we'd always have tonight.

A/N: Hey guys, I made this one extra long cuse' yesterday's was really short and so will the next one (Not sure when I'll post it)
But thank you guys soooo much for all the positive comments!! I don't own anything recognizable!!


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