Locked away

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"Camila, Lauren, how's everything going?" Clara asked as they sat down for their dinner, the family meal was eerily quiet, Mike nudged his wife and gave her a simple look.

Neither girls looked up, they both stared at their food and pushed it around the plate with no appetite, which was unusual for them both but still expected. "May we be excused?" Lauren mumbled meeting her fathers eyes who nodded gently

The girls both got up from the table and mumbled an apology before escaping into Lauren's room again. "That was so frickin awkward." Camila laughed nervously once they had got in Lauren's room and shut the door.

"I know, I feel bad we didn't eat much. You know we'll regret that at midnight when we get hungry." Lauren pointed out smartly "We'll just order a pizza." Camila shrugged making Lauren giggle "Same old Camila. Pizza loving dork."

"Lauren, what's gonna happen?" Camila asked playing with her fingers and Lauren felt her phone vibrating in her pocket "Sorry Camila, one second." She said before picking up the phone "Hey Dinah." She answered casually

"Hey Dinah? That's all I get? Thanks babe." Dinah chuckled rolling her eyes even though Lauren couldn't see her "Camila's with me, she's here till the end of the month sooo.." Lauren replied and Dinah got the hint "Oh I see, well I miss you. Both of you." Dinah sighed miserably "I miss all of us, I miss fifth harmony." Dinah's voice cracked and Lauren bit her lip "I know, so do we." Lauren sighed

"Can I talk to Dinah?" Camila asked excitedly and Lauren nodded handing her the phone "Cheechee!" Camila shouted and Dinah immediately perked up at her voice "Chancho! Dang I miss you girl!" "I miss you too! Ugh you gotta come visit soon." Camila groaned

Camila looked up at Lauren who was pacing around her room anxiously. "What's wrong?" Camila asked taking the phone away from her ear and Dinah frowned "Everything okay? Can you put me on FaceTime?" Dinah asked and Camila quickly switched it onto FaceTime and admittedly smiled wider than she anticipated to when she saw her best friend's face again

"Aw Cheechee, I miss you babe." Camila pouted and Dinah smiled at her adorable pout and giggled "I miss you more! Chanch, what's that noise?" Dinah asked

Camila looked up to see Lauren curled up in a ball crying to herself "It's Lauren, she's..crying." Camila bit her lip watching her and Dinah's eyes widened "Shit, Mila lemme talk to her." Dinah begged and Camila put the phone in front of Lauren switching the camera around "Lauren, baby look at me." Dinah cooed and Lauren looked up with her red eyes and tear stained face "It's gonna be alright, everything will sort itself out okay? It always does."

"She's right you know." Camila nodded and Lauren directed her eyes at the worried girl staring back at her "Dinah I have to go, but we'll talk soon..okay? I love you very much." Lauren gave a small smile and Dinah nodded on the screen "I love you too Laur, and you Chancho!" Camila switched the camera around to herself and waved goodbye, Dinah put the phone signal to her ear without a word and Camila changed it back to a phone call

"Please look after her Chanch, she's not in a good way and we all know that this is only gonna make things worse for her.." "I will Cheechee I promise." Camila swore and Dinah nodded to herself "Night babe." Dinah said and kissed the phone before hanging up.

Camila tossed Lauren's phone on the bed and sat in front of her holding out her arms without a word being said, Lauren crawled into Camila's lap accepting her comforting embrace "I'm scared." Lauren admitted and Camila rested her head gently on Lauren's as she held her in her arms gladly "Me too, it is scary but it'll work out..just like Dinah says, Dinah doesn't lie.." Camila spoke in clear denial.

Lauren got off of Camila's lap and stood up, so Camila did the same thing; wondering where this part would lead them both.

"And what if it doesn't? What if Fifth Harmony was supposed to break up and never get back together? What if this is it for us? For everything to end so soon after it started because it means everything, to all of us." Lauren confessed and just waited, looking at Camila intensely and the younger girl just burst into tears, Lauren sighed with relief and held Camila tightly while she sobbed her heart out.

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