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"Fuck that was so intense." "Ally! Did you just swear?" Camila laughed. "What if I did? Ain't no lie." "Allysin's out to play. Did you see her tonight? She was going off." Dinah exclaimed. "Honey we all saw her." Normani smirked. "I'm gonna shower now, babe, you coming?" Camila smirked at Normani. Normani blushed and took her hand. "Later guys, I have some business to attend to." "Oh gross." Dinah fake gagged. "So you don't wanna "shower" with me then?" Lauren raised her eyebrows. "Did I say gross? I meant hot as fuck." "Get it DJ!" Ally winked as she downed some water. "I'll see y'all back at the hotel." Lauren giggled as she took off, pulling her girlfriend along with her. "Such horny hoes." Ally muttered to herself as she screwed the cap back on her water bottle. Later in the bus, all the girls were watching a scary movie. Camila was curled up in Normani's lap, screaming at almost everything. "You're such a wimp Mila." Dinah laughed. "Hey! Leave her alone. She's my wimp." Normani poked her tongue out. "Babe!" Camila protested. "What'd I do?" "You're meant to say I'm not a wimp!" "I ain't no liar girl." Lauren laughed at her best friend. "Maniiiii." Camila whined. Normani chuckled and pecked her lips. "Aw..I'm sorry baby." Camila blushed and settled her head in her girlfriend's neck. "Okay. You're forgiven." Dinah pouted at the cuteness of her best friend and sister and pulled Lauren into her body. "You okay babygirl?" Lauren asked curiously. "Can I have a kiss?" Dinah asked in a baby voice, making Lauren giggle. "Yes." She replied in a baby voice and pecked Dinah's lips. But that wasn't it, she climbed on Dinah's lap and they started making out. It was a horror filled scream that came from the movie that made the couple jump apart. "Damn. You two were more scared than Camila." Ally laughed. "Yeah cause she's sleeping." Normani pointed at the girl with her head in her lap while her body lay on the couch. "Camila is practically dead when she's asleep. It's nearly impossible to wake her up." Dinah said. "I'll get a blanket." Ally sighed and got up to retrieve one from Camila's bunk. "Dinah?" "Lauren?" Dinah mocked her. "I love you." Dinah blushed and kissed her girlfriend's nose. "I love you too Lo." Ally put the blanket over Camila and at the same time Lauren had shuffled in between Dinah and Normani and laid her head on Normani's shoulder, the dark skinned girl wrapped an arm around her best friend's waist and kissed her cheek. "You okay Laur?" Normani asked gently. Lauren sighed and Normani squeezed her waist tighter. "I'm here Lo. We all are." "I'm heading to my bunk. Goodnight girls, love you." Ally whispered, so as not to wake Camila. Just in case. "Goodnight Ally." The girls chorused. Lauren closed her eyes and buried her head in Normani's neck so it was darker. "Are you falling asleep?" "Mm-mm." Lauren denied tiredly. "Yes you are babe. Come on, we can go to my bunk and sleep for the night." Lauren looked up at Dinah and held her arms out. "Carry me." Dinah huffed, looked at Normani who had a smirk on her face. "We both know you're gonna, you're whipped DJ." Dinah groaned and lifted her girlfriend up, Lauren instantly moulding against her body with a sleepy smile. "You're lucky you're cute." "No, I'm lucky I have you." Lauren responded. Dinah couldn't help but blush. "True. Come on sleepyhead." All the girls went to bed after that and woke up the next morning for rehearsals. "Are you kidding me?" Lauren groaned when she slipped on the floor. "Are you okay Lo?" Normani rushed over. "My foot hurts." Lauren hissed. "Let me take a look." Sean bent down and took off her shoe, gently moving it to the side. "Fuck that hurts." Lauren winced at the pain. "I think you should go to the hospital in case it's broken." "Why have you both hurt your stupid feet on the same tour." Dinah said looking at Ally and Lauren. "Shut up Dinah." Ally huffed. "Yeah Dinah you're not helping." Normani agreed. "I'll take her." Camila got up and grabbed her car keys. "Need a hand to the car Laur?" Normani asked, helping Lauren up carefully. "Yeah, thanks Mani." "We'll take 5 now, keep us updated." Sean said. "We will." Camila nodded, helping a limping Lauren. "I'm going with you guys." Dinah said and followed Normani and Camila to the car. "Can you put any weight on it?" Dinah asked her girlfriend. "I can but not enough to stand." Lauren winced as she tried. "Be careful Lauren!" Ally called out. "Little late Ally!"

omfg I'm so sorry it's literally been over 6 months hi how's it going

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