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This chapter is dedicated to Faith. She's such a sweetheart - (follow her on Vine, allys.hotline)
- anyway, back to the story.

"I don't care if I'm sick. Read my lips. We're not going to cancel the meet and greet." Lauren said before she let out a harsh cough. "We won't cancel it. But maybe you should sit it out." Normani suggested as she rubbed her back. "You need to rest up before the show so you can give it your all." Camila agreed. "A meet and greet will tire you out and put strain on your voice, a mute Lauren in a meet and greet who can't even give hugs because she's sick won't be much fun for the fans either." Dinah said and Lauren sighed, thanking Ally when she gave her some honey and lemon to ease her sore throat. "We have time, I'll have a nap and see how I feel?" Lauren said hopefully, she really wanted to go and meet the fans. "Okay, but don't lie and say you're up to it if you're not." Ally warned. "Yes ma'am." Lauren smiled as she took a sip from the mug. "We're off down to catering, you want anything?" Dinah asked. "Mango." Lauren grinned. "I'll see what I can do." Dinah giggled at her enthusiasm. "Yay!" Lauren said, but her voice wasn't the strongest. "I love you, now get some rest, okay?" Dinah said leaning down to kiss Lauren's forehead. Lauren nodded and put the mug down on the table, closing her eyes as she lay down. "Get well soon babe, text one of us if you need anything. I'll tell Big Rob to keep an eye on you." Ally said with a pout. "Thanks Allycat." Moments later the man walked in the room and sat on the edge of the couch. "How're you feeling kid?" "Rough." Lauren groaned. "Can I get you anything?" Lauren smirked and curled up next to the man. "Lauren this is so unprofessional." He smirked. "Nu uh. Your job is to take care of us, this is part of your job." Lauren said matter of factly. "You're one smart cookie." He laughed. "I'm cold." "I'll just get you a blanket." "Thanks Big Rob." Lauren smiled. "Meet and Greet!" Ally cheered. "Coming!" "You said you were cold." Big Rob challenged. "I'll get a jumper." Lauren excused herself. She ran up to the group of four and fixed her clothes. "Can you speak?" Camila asked. "Yeah. Ally's drink really helped." Ally flashed a small smile before the first person came in and hugged Dinah. "Hey! How are you?" The Polynesian smiled. "I'm Marissa." "Hi there cutie." Camila said, hugging her next. "Lauren can I have a hug?" Lauren was about to speak but was cut off. "Lauren is sick." Normani pouted. "Sorry babe, I wish I could but I don't wanna get you sick." Lauren pouted. "Picture?" Ally suggested to move the topic on. Dinah wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders from behind, doing her signature pose for the camera before she kissed her cheek, they said their goodbyes and they got to the next person. The next girl went to Ally first and Ally hugged her tightly. "Hey sweetheart, what's your name?" "Elise." "Aw that's so pretty, I want a pretty name." Normani pouted. "Don't be silly, Normani's a beautiful name." Camila said and cuddled into her side before releasing her. Normani pouted and linked their hands, swinging them back and forth while Ally and the fan talked. They got through about 5 more fans before Lauren became desperate. "Dinah I have to go to the bathroom, like really bad." "Why does that always happen to you?" Camila laughed. "Go." Dinah patted her back and Lauren ran out at full speed. "Thank God-Woah!" Lauren gasped as she bumped into someone coming out of the bathroom. "Sorry." The crew member apologised before Lauren mumbled a "Yeah." and hurried inside. When Lauren returned there was a fan just leaving and they saw her. "Lauren!" "Hi sweetheart, I'm sorry I was in the bathroom." "I'm sick I can't hug you." "Please? I don't care." "Hug me like this real quick." "Lauren can you follow me on Twitter?" "Agghh yes hold on a sec." Lauren looked back at the girls and Ally tossed her a pen. "Write your @ on my hand babe." The girl scribbled her @ down and Lauren gave her one last hug before she left. "Okay sorry, hi." Lauren greeted the next person. Dinah smiled at her and Lauren smiled back. When the girls were on stage Lauren decided it was time to do something she should have done a long time ago. "Before we go, I just have something to say real quick." Lauren said and all the girls looked at her in confusion. "Dinah and I are in a relationship." Dinah's hands flew to her mouth in shock before Lauren pried one away and intertwined their fingers. "Yaay!" Camila clapped, the other two girls followed. The audience all cheered and there were a few I knew it's. "And I love her." Lauren smiled and looked at her girlfriend adoringly. Dinah grinned and bit her lip, blushing. "I love you too Lauren." Lauren giggled and pulled her in for a kiss. Everyone cheered for the couple, Lauren pulled back and smiled widely. "Are you happy?" "So happy." Dinah grinned, leaning her head into her shoulder shyly. "Goodnight guys! We love you! Also please be extra safe on your way out the venue and getting home!" Normani called. A few aw's came from the audience before the girls waved and went off stage. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are?" Dinah sighed contently as Lauren pulled her in to kiss her again. "I've been told by a certain brown eyed beauty." Dinah shuffled slightly and looked at Camila. "Not her, well yes her, but I obviously meant you." Dinah blushed. "I love you loser." "Don't insult me or no kisses for you." Lauren pouted. "No please, I'm sorry Lauren give me kisses!" "No, you hurt my feelings." Lauren frowned. Dinah's bottom lip wobbled and she looked down but Lauren tilted her head up smirked and pecked her lips. "Dinah Jane.." "Yeah?" Dinah gulped. "You're so easy." Dinah gasped and whacked her arm. "You asshole!" Lauren giggled and jumped on Normani's back who was being chased by Camila for some reason, with Dinah now added to their chaser. "What did you do?" Normani asked. "Tricked her, what did you do?" Lauren shouted back. "I accidentally stole her banana!" Lauren gasped and looked back. "Go faster Mani, they're gaining on us!" "You're heavy!" She groaned without thinking. Lauren took a sharp breath. "I am?" Normani rounded the corner and let her down. "I didn't mean it like that." She said when she noticed Lauren's solemn, thoughtful expression. "No it's fine. Did we lose them?" Normani peered round the wall hesitantly. "I think so. Where are they?" Camila jumped on Normani and Dinah on Lauren simultaneously. "Jerks!" Normani shouted as the two couples fell to the floor after a shock. Camila smirked at Normani before she kissed her on the floor where they'd fallen. "Wait! Woah when did that happen?" Dinah asked them excitedly. Camila blushed and bit her lip, clearly nervous. "Surprise?" Normani giggled. "Two weeks ago, on Camila's birthday." "Aw, well we wish you the best." A few days had passed by and they were nearing the last show of their tour, the girls were doing their own thing while Ally was getting her makeup done first. "OW!" The four girls heads all snapped up, or rather down to Ally on the floor. "What happened?" Dinah snickered but soon stopped when Lauren smacked her arm to shut her up. "I fell off of the makeup chair." Ally groaned, her eyes getting teary. "No no don't cry, where does it hurt?" Lauren asked, kneeling down to her level. "My leg." Ally whimpered. "It's caught in the chair." Lauren tried to get Ally's leg free gently but it caused her too much pain. "I can't get it out." Lauren sighed as she stroked Ally's hair to calm her down. "Camz go get Will." Camila nodded and dashed off to find the man. Dinah and Normani watched hopelessly as the two girls were doing something and they stood there doing nothing. "Uhm, so Ally, Mani and Mila are dating." Dinah distracted her, Ally looked up. "Really Mani?" "Yeah, it's been just over two weeks." She smiled. "I'm happy for you." Ally winced as she tried to move. "Stay still Ally, Will's coming." Lauren reminded her and breathed a sigh of relief when he came over. "What happened?" "Ally fell off the chair and her leg is stuck." Normani explained. "Normani can you get me scissors, gloves and a screwdriver?" "WHAT?" Ally shouted in horror. "It's fine he just needs to loosen the chair, you'll be fine Als." Lauren reassured her. "It hurts." Ally whimpered. "I know baby I know. We'll get your leg free as soon as we can okay?" Dinah took the items from Normani and gave them to Will. "Is she squeamish?" Ally whined. "I'll take that as a yes." Will said. "I think she's more scared than squeamish." Camila told him. "Either way, try and distract her." He advised. Camila and the girls all exchanged looks. "Oh! What did-" "No jokes Mila, they're all terrible." Dinah groaned. "Alright. Screw you Dinah." She said in an accent which made Ally laugh. They grinned. "You know there's a WaffleHouse at our next stop? Why don't we all go there in the morning?" Ally nodded excitedly at the idea before she winced at her leg being wriggled to free it. "That'd be nice. We're nearly there Ally." Lauren said, watching Will. "I have to pull the chair, it's probably going to hurt a lot." Will whispered to Lauren hesitantly. "Just do it. Hey Ally?" "Yeah Laur?-HOLY CRAP!" "Never mind." Lauren smiled awkwardly. "Your leg is free. Can you move it?" "Yes I can, but it hurts." "Rest up for the next few days and it should wear off. It doesn't look broken or sprained to me, there's some bruising though." Will noticed. "You'll be fine Smalls." Dinah said. Camila helped her up and put Ally's arm over her shoulders since she was the second smallest, closer to her height. "There. Of course it would be you." Camila teased and Ally laughed as Lauren wiped her tears from her cheeks. "You guys are amazing." "We're your friends, it's part of the job." Lauren smiled as she helped Camila support her weight by letting Ally use her to walk, or rather hobble. "What do you guys say to a nice and chilled movie night?" Dinah asked and everyone nodded. "Sounds good to me." Lauren said just before she looked away to sneeze. "Someone's still sick." Camila said pointedly. "I'll be fine by tomorrow." Ally looked up from the floor to address the girls. "Are we still going to WaffleHouse?" "Of course, we weren't bluffing." Normani nodded. "Oh my god what about the show?" Ally panicked. "You've gotta skip and rest, we'll do it without you." "But-" "Why doesn't she rest up back here and we can change it so the slower songs are at the end and Ally can sing them with us, she doesn't even have to move." Lauren suggested. "That could work." Camila agreed. "Will?" Normani checked. "I'm fine with that as long as Ally is." "For sure, thank you." The show passed by without a hitch, and the crowd was more than excited when Ally came out for the last couple of songs. "I literally can't believe that was our last show." Normani pouted. "Yeah well I can't believe we all go home and split up tomorrow afternoon." Camila pouted. "Doooooon't I'm gonna miss my baby." Lauren whined and pulled Dinah into a hug. "Yeah Mila shut up. I'm gonna miss you." Normani wrapped her arms around her stomach from behind. "You saps." Ally laughed. "Don't pretend you won't miss us." "Y'all do know we come back in 2 months? Aren't you excited to see your families?" Everyone nodded, Ally had a fair point. "Fine, I guess we know Ally's right." Dinah agreed. "I am. Now, we have to pack and stuff. Mani and I's flight is in the early morning." "You never said!" Camila gasped. "I'm sorry! Ally booked it." Normani said in a worried voice. "Yeah Camz, we have the same flight too." "I'm flying alone." Dinah huffed. Lauren laughed and rubbed her shoulders warmly. "We need to go back to the hotel and pack, so let's head back." Camila said, the other girls nodding in agreement. "See you in two months." Normani pouted as she hugged Dinah. "See you boo. You better call me." "Girl you know it, of course I will." Normani said surely. "And you," Normani said stopping at Lauren. "Look after yourself, alright? I'm on the other end of the phone if you need me, anytime." Lauren smiled and hugged her best friend tightly. "You too babe, I'll miss you." Lauren nestled her head in Normani's neck and Normani smiled. "I'll miss you too Lo." Then she got to Camila and kissed her, leaning their foreheads together. "Please call me when you land, you know I'll worry if you don't." Camila pouted. Normani pecked her lips and nodded. "I know Mila, I promise." Lauren hugged Ally, as did Dinah before the two girls went to catch their flight. "Laur we gotta go too." Camila tugged her sleeve. "Okay, gimme a second." Lauren nodded and hugged her girlfriend. "It's not too long, remember that. I love you baby." Dinah mumbled into her neck. Lauren sighed as Dinah stroked her hair. "I love you too." Dinah leaned back, kissed her and then pressed her lips to her forehead, watching as a smile crept on Lauren's face. "Have a safe flight. C'mere Walz!" Camila pouted and jumped into her best friend's arms. "I'll miss you a lot Cheechee." "Yeah yeah, you too Mila." "Bye Dinah." Camila said and kissed her cheek. "See you soon, annoying." Camila slapped her arm and huffed. "Okay let's go." She dragged Lauren's shirt. "Bye babe." Lauren smiled sadly and Dinah waved with tears in her eyes as she watched them leave. "Wait she's crying." Lauren tugged Camila's arm. "Lauren we'll miss our flight if we wait any longer, I wanna grab lunch first for the plane." Lauren whined and craned her neck to look, but her girlfriend was gone. "Come on Lolo." Camila said and held her hand. Lauren smiled sadly and held her hand back. "At least we're both flying together." Camila said as they sat on the plane next to each other. "Hey, Camz.." Camila turned her head. "Yes Lauren?" "Can I visit you sometimes?" Camila rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "Duh! Don't you think I'll be annoying you in the next two months?" Lauren smirked and leant her head on her shoulder. "I love you." Lauren said to her friend. "I love you too." Camila smiled and leant her head on Lauren's. "I'm gonna miss the girls." "Me too." Lauren agreed. "It's just a couple of months though, right?" She added. Camila nodded. "Yeah." "Bet you'll be glad to see your sister." Camila smiled brightly. "Yeah! Man I've missed her so much." Lauren licked her lips, speaking her words in a broken voice. "I miss Taylor." Camila squeezed her hand and Lauren looked up teary eyed. "I know you do." "But you have Chris, and your Mom and Dad." Camila nodded. "Yeah, that's true." Lauren nodded, blinking back her tears. "You'll visit me too?" "Yeah of course Lauren, I'll come over in a couple of days." Lauren held out her pinkie and Camila's heart ached as she locked hers with Lauren's. "You'll be fine." Camila reassured her as the plane took off. "I hope so." Lauren mumbled.

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